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Ankhreku a little surly man

Here is a little statue thatīs color, teracotta capture my interest emiedetly. It sits in a glassbox beside the gigant statues of Ramesses and amenhotep...a tiney man with a special look on his face.

Ankhreku 12 dynasty 1850 bc

First take alook at his little face..donīt he look like he has tasted acid?? the statue is made of Quartzite and was painted in old days, now nothing of the paints remains. I think this man was a nomarch...I have not written it down.and he was a nomarch during those days when Egypt had many man of powers..the Nomarch tried to be "Little Pharaohs" of their nomes... Canīt you see that on his face..Itīs almost as if he says:"Look at me Iīm a BIG man and if you donīt do as I say..I will spit on you..You little worm"

The evil little manīs profile Ankhreku

Well the profile donīt do anything to lighten up this mans posture. He looks as a sour grape still. But maybe a little bit cuter...just a little bit. In fact I loved the statue but not the man...I think if me and Ankhreku would meet in Real life..we would probably NOT been friends...I can just hear him say:"Silly woman, did you even THINK I would like to be friends with a WOMAN??!!!*BAHH!!*"