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Lena at the Brittish Museum-Egypt !!

For the first time in my life I visited London...and the Brittish museum.I will take you on a tour at the Egyptian part of the museum.

You will share my thoughts and my impressions. First I must say it was a gigant place...with a lots of people.When I entered the museum it felt like walking in to a big tempel...gigant pilards guarded the entrance..and when I tried to view the cealing my neck almost breake.

I went there early...I was eager.My poor sleepy sister Petra..

(Just love her...she is my favourite sibbling..and feels like my own daughter...a soulfriend!!)..was dragged along armed with a digital videocamera(her shoes was fancy!!)..

and my own old camera was loaded.I was ready for the experience of my life...

To see the Egyptian relics live for the first time in my life!!! and I have been waiting searching in books since I was 12 years I was ready!! A warning...If you come late the cue (line) to the garderobes/closet will be VERY long!!! Each item cost 1 pound to keep in the leave hats and gloves at home...(or put them in your will need your money at the museum shop!!)

I awaited eagerly in the line..looking around at all the tourists with cameras...looking tired allready feets up and sitting. I checked my shoes: Yepp they will keep me alert..old comfy shoes..Another warning...donīt put on fancy new shoes...this place is huge!!! Old comfy shoes is recomended!! At last we had checked in our jackets(coats)..and we was on our way...I thought. My sister wanted to see the gigant hallway with the royal library that recently had opened first...(do I need to say that I didnīt want to see any bleeding royal libraries?...and do I need to say that I had to anyway?? My sister is as stubborn as me)

Well the hall into the library was marvelous breath taking..a gigant white marble hall with a round building in the middle of white marble stones...the cealing was all made of the light was increadeble. at the buttom the library was..reopen to the public since some 1800 centrury time thingie (notice my indifference here ? *smile) The gigant round building reaching to the cealing contains the Museum shop (go there lots and lots of good books about egypt and alot of funny egyptian stuff too), and a resturant at the top..a galleria in the middle..

Guess you now know it was gigant!!!! Follow me as I forced my dear sister to show me the Egyptian part of the museum...letīs start with the statue of Nenkheftkha standing at the Egyptian statue hall (walk from the garderob straight forward...and there you is!!)

Letīs see the little man with round cheeks..

If you like to browse around the pics, or find a special pic from my visit.Go to my Picture Gallery.

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