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November 8th

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Valentine - "So, we hear that Nick is a very well endowed kid. We've been told he's real happy to be at concerts."
Howie - "Um, well, are you sure it wasn't his rigging?"

"Once, me and Nick were in a field, he told me to look up and I did, then he punched me in the stomach" - Aaron Carter
What a jerk! Don't be hitting cute kids like Aaron, I might have to tie you to a bed and *ahem* whip you. (This is from Mares)

This is Mares friend Jenny. She got in the paper and they had her wear that hat. How cute is that?

*sings* I like big butts and I cannot lie, all you otha brothas can't deny...

Here Nickay Nickay!

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kevs baby duck


BSB Survey
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And if they're cool enough to love us, then they're cool as cool can be!

ChEqUe DeM OuT!

We had another one but since Ash revamped it's disappeared... *sigh*

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