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Above: Two amateurs rendering assistance after a hurricane - from the ARRL website


The Combined Amateur Radio Operators Team (CAROT).

These amateur radio operators are devoted and dedicated to assisting in times of Natural Disasters. Trinidad and Tobago and the islands of the Caribbean are prone to hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding and other Natural Disasters.

On these occasions, there is the need for communication between the island chain from Trinidad and Tobago in the south to Puerto Rico in the north.

In the event of a disaster, amateur radio operators will monitor the following radio frequencies on a 24 hour basis.


14.303 MHz USB (The IATN)    9Y4MYA,9Y4IBN, 9Y4SP, 9Y4UNO, N4GHI, WA3JXW, VA3ALH

3.815 MHz LSB (Antilles Net)  9Y4IBN, 8P6AA, J69MV, J39CO, J88CD

147.50/144.20 FM Simplex      9Y4SP, 9Y4MYA, 9Y4DEO, 9Y4RJS, 9Y4UNO

147.80 - .600  FM (NEMA 1)    9Y4RJS, 9Y4UNO

148.80 - .600 FM (NEMA 2)     9Y4RJS, 9Y4IBN, 9Y4UNO



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