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Prophecy for Class of '56

Dear Folks,
I just finished my concert tour around the world and in the process of the trip through the United States I ran across all of my old classmates of 1956. I will give you a few ideas of what they are now doing after 15 years of graduation from good old DHS.

Well, to start of with, I met our swell class sponsor during our Senior year in Decatur who is Mr Don Hodges. He has become a multi-millionaire from teaching schools in the United States. He is retired now and is making false teeth for a pastime.

Eugene Anderson has still got his little noon hour task taking in Dick's money. He is now a professor in Decatur High School. He is teaching his favorite subject, Algebra.
Jerry Brewer is still around Decatur of which at the present time is coaching all the many little Brewers to beat Tekamah in football. No doubt Connie's helping him.
Bill Clark is disk-jockey of the Savemore Grocery program on KOWH.
Ray Clark is now a Charles Atlas muscle man and has his own little training gym.
Dwayne Haeffner is the world's former Ping Pong Champ. He is now teaching his Arkansas neighbors how to play the game.
Jim Jobeun is a big shot dairy farmer and he says that the best assistant he has is his girl friend. I wonder if Joann has taught him how to wash the cream separator.
I walked in to the school house the other day and I stumbled on a broom. And after all these 15 years, guess who was pushing it. Larry Kellogg, "Dah'ling."
Shirley Kellogg once considered the "worst" woman driver in Decatur high school is now taxi-driver in Sioux City.
Larry Lambert has a very profitable business running a hot dog stand on the moon.
I am sure you all have heard of the famous quarterback on the Notre Dame Women's football team. Well, here is your chance to meet her. She is none other than our peppy cheerleader, Constance Mae Larsen, better known as "Connie."
Martin Squires was always known as a terrific salesman; he is now in Alaska selling ice-boxes to Eskimos.
Lavonne Swanson is a girl whom we know nothing about. You see, she is in secret service and she is really making a secret affair of it, as usual.
Tom Taylor is manufacturing corn cob pipes for Decatur.
Norm Phipps is living in Hollywood teaching Gabby Hayes how to grow a beard like the one he started way back in '56.
Mary Walter has now accomplished something she has always wanted. She is 3" taller than her brother, Joe, and is still growing strong. How does it feel to be able to look at a giraffe in the eye, Monk?
Betty Ketterman is trying for the 1971 Hog Calling Championship of the world. Although she does this for a living, her favorite pastime is wrestling. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Brub O is her trainer.
It won't be long till I go on stage, so I must go polish my candelabra.
Sincerely yours,
Kelly French

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