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The Napalm Dealership

other stuff

my email call about purchaseing

Welcome to my industry i am here to tell you about how you can play some pranks and enjoy yourself with napalm, I also wish to sell it to you if oyoud like it, I will haggle with trading stuff like a car or something for napalm as it is hard to make, in addition I'd appreciate it if youd like to not pay in credit card just send cash or check make check out to zach snyder and cash. cuz napalm is not the govt 's best freind when sold. DO NOT PAY IN FOREGN CURRENCY IF YOU HAVE NO US CASH GO TO A BANK OR FIND ANOTHER VENDOR!!! I will later give you mailing info and u should give me mailing info. Also if u need to buy other stuff ,no drugs cuz drugs are for thugs, i must also inform you that if you wish to haggle stuf 4 stuf than put yer email adress and offer in the email sent to me.