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WSFS Newsletter

From the President’s desk: I can say little as I have done little since being elected to the position of President of the WSFS executive committee. This is due to the fact that I am responsible for conducting the HSC and School Certificate examinations at a local school during the months of October & November. John Nathan has left me a large pair of boots to fill and I will strive to be as dedicated as he was, and still is. We will miss you John. Having said that I feel it is time we moved on and commenced the hard work, ahead of us all, to conform with all the new guidelines that are currently coming into operation. Firstly, may I say that my main concern is for our clients. The aged, frail & handicapped, who need people like you & me to tend their needs where we are able to do so. My second concern is for all of our volunteers. You are needed. I can assure you all that I will do my utmost to ensure that you are all kept, "in the picture". I trust that, should any of you have any concerns with your involvement as a volunteer, you will take the matter up with a senior person. One who is working in the same kitchen or position as yourself. That senior person should then make contact, with a member of the executive committee and discuss the problem. For instance; I was told that a rumour was "going around" that "all the old volunteers are to be sacked". There can be nothing further from the truth. Thank you to all of our volunteers, Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to all. Terry. Manager’s Report: Welcome to the two new Committee Members elected at the October AGM and those who were re-elected. Terry Parsons was elected President and will lead the Committee into the next year. The staff joins with me in congratulating the members and look forward to working together for another year. Looking back the major tasks achieved this year includes: Completion of the Budgewoi refurbishment and the merging of Norah Head into the new facility The Entrance MOW Service’s Management Committee’s decision to hand the management to WSFS early in the New Year. The decision to cease producing food and to buy in frozen food from a contractor. Introduction of individually priced meal items. To change the volunteer fuel reimbursement in all services to 48c/kilometre, and cease reimbursement to kitchen assistants. To disperse the frozen food service at TLCC into other kitchens. Budgewoi: First delivery day was Monday October 13 and all has settled down. On behalf of the Management Committee and staff we extend our thanks to all those loyal volunteers who “weathered the storm” and remained, or relocated to our other kitchens. Frozen food and individually priced items are now the method of supply at Wyong and Budgewoi and this method will commence at Berkeley Vale and The Entrance kitchens in the New Year. Merger of Berkeley Vale with The Entrance Kitchen: A special meeting held on Wednesday 12 November representatives of WSFS Management Committee, The Entrance and past members of Berkeley Vale MOW unanimously decided to close Berkeley Vale and merge with The Entrance kitchen. This will provide three major distribution outlets in the Wyong Shire. The main reasons being the cost of refurbishing two outlets as well as ongoing financial issues. Contributing factors to this decision were the future decline in funding from our funding body, the Dept of Ageing, Disability and Homecare (DADHC) requiring that operating costs and the price of meals to clients are kept at an affordable level. Identifying Issues of Frozen Food: Whilst the introduction of frozen food brings benefits to WSFS, we must be mindful of the effect this may have on our clients. We must ensure that our clients are coping and enjoying the meals as well as providing an economical meal. Please let us know if any concern arises. In the New Year we will look into “value added” services. Questions have been asked as to “why not deliver weekly”. The reason is that we also need to ensure that social contact between volunteers and clients is maintained. It is not only the social aspect, but also the welfare responsibility of our service that clients are safe and coping since the last visit. This is our Duty of Care. This raises the question of the roles of volunteer drivers and helpers, it is not only to deliver the meals but to provide social contact as mentioned previously, as well as the friendship that develops. We must ensure that now we have gone “Frozen”, that the attitude does not develop to just drop off the meals and depart. Hot food never provided the opportunity to linger longer, and we hope that a little more time can be spent with clients to have that friendly chat which contribute to the purpose of our service. We ask you to think of WSFS as a combined organisation not just from the kitchen that you work in. There is more to our organisation than delivering meals. We run centre based meal services in two locations and provide support, act as a referral agency for our clients requiring other services including financial counselling, advocacy, household chores, and maintenance, and most importantly regular contact for many reasons. Just think how you would feel if you had no one in the world to talk to other than a friendly face that delivers meals or brings in the newspaper, brings books etc. The year is almost gone and as always we wonder where to. Time really seems to be getting shorter. We look forward to thanking our volunteers at the Christmas Party. To our clients and associates a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2004. Kath. From The Secretary’s Desk: Our AGM for this year attracted a large number of people for the meeting and the after-proceedings talk by Ms. Colleen Allen, Coordinator, Commonwealth Carelink Centre, Tuggerah, proved extremely interesting. The results of the elections were as follows: President Terry Parsons; Vice President George Davis; Secretary Colin Wiseman; Treasurer Dorothy Phillips; Committee Members are :- Margaret Clifford, Marie Davidson , Nessie McLean, Roger Hunt, Michael Parsons, & Bill Thompson. We are looking for volunteers from the kitchens for our Fund Raising Committee for the coming year and especially for the packing of Christmas presents for our clients on Thursday, December 4, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. Anyone interested in either should give Cheryl Smith a call on 4333 6942 or Colin Wiseman on 4390 3107. I take this opportunity to wish all clients and volunteers a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Colin. From the Fundraising Sub-committee: Wyong Shire Food Services Inc. has commenced a fundraising campaign. The main aim of the fundraising is to raise a pool of funds to be used for special occasion gifts to our clients such as; Christmas, disadvantaged client hampers, Easter, Father & Mothers day, major birthday milestones. The pool may also be used for any purpose which will improve services to clients. WSFS Inc. is a Federal and State Government funded non-profit organisation, if we can raise our own funds this will reduce our reliance on the Government funding which whilst significant does not cover all our costs. 10 tips for Drivers & Helpers: 1. Always wear your name badge (feel proud of your contribution) 2. Follow runs according to runsheets 3. If you smoke consider the health of your delivery partner and refrain whilst they are in the car. 4. Report any safety concerns to the coordinator, for example savage pets, unsafe steps or difficult parking area. 5. Use 2 people to lift large eskies and only lift what you are capable of. 6. Keep your back straight and your knees bent when lifting. 7. Report unsafe driving practices to the Volunteer Coordinator (Pam). 8. Reduce the opening of eskies as much as possible. 9. Ensure you write the number of meals delivered on the runsheet. Report any occurrences that happen on the run to the Coordinator as soon as possible. friendly reminder to Drivers & Helpers, Please do not come to the kitchen earlier than 15 minutes prior to dispatch time. The Cook’s and Coordinators are instructed not to dispatch runs early. Placing pressure on them will only lead to mistakes. What are my Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) responsibilities as a volunteer? Whilst the Management has the ultimate responsibility for maintaining safe working conditions, each person in the workplace (whether a paid employee or not) have the following responsibilities: 1. Everyone has a “Duty of care” to others in the workplace 2. Act in a manner which will not harm themselves or others 3. Report unsafe incidents or perceived safety risks to the supervisor 4. Adhere to management policies and procedures. The bottom line is that if we have a safe workplace with responsible workers our insurance liability will be reduced and our clients can continue to receive low cost meals. CLIENT EMERGENCY: In the event of an emergency in a client’s home the following procedure is to be followed:- For medical emergency or deceased client, phone 000 immediately for an Ambulance. Do not attempt to pick the client up or move them if they have fallen. Do not administer any medication to the client. If the client is insistent, hand the medication to the client. Do not touch any blood or body fluids unless wearing disposable gloves supplied by your service. In case of fire, phone 000 and ask for Fire Brigade. Contact WSFS Inc. so the next of kin can be notified and if necessary a replacement driver found so the delivery can continue. WSFS Inc. presented with award: At the NSW MOW Assoc. AGM held in Sydney in October Kath Blair accepted an award for "Outstanding Service Development " The Award was for the work WSFS Inc has done in the areas of. * Enhancing Our Service * Working with Volunteers and Staff * Using Technology Wisely * Innovative Practice * Working in Partnership WELCOME to NEW VOLUNTEERS: Berkeley Vale MOW – Ian Warrall Budgewoi MOW – Svend & Gerda Lange, Andrew Dunham, Christina Watson, Denise Gregory, Vicki Burgmann (transferred from Wyong), Don & Fay Naylor, Margaret Walley. Bateau Bay Comm Rest. – Valerie Petroff. The Entrance MOW - Pauline Stewart. Farewell to Volunteers: Berkeley Vale MOW – Leza Thornton, Robert Young. Budgewoi/Norah Head MOW – Baden & Robyn Stevens, Ken Morrison, Ray & Elizabeth Bermingham, Ron Maybury, Murray Hayter. Wyong MOW – Jessica Sales. The Entrance MOW – Andrew & Kathleen Kovacic. OUR NEWSLETTER: from “The Editor”. We started in a small way with our first edition in November 1998, one page having a print run of 200 copies. For the second edition went to 2 page & the addition of the Crossword. By No. 14 it was time to include a “Clients News” with the print runs now 650/700 per edition. On our 21st edition & 5th birthday, here are some more ‘stats’ for you. Pages of A4 used = 36,600 sheets. Average words used per edition 2334 = 49,014. We use The Macquarie Dictionary for our spell checking. TO WHOM MAY IT CONCERN Sometimes, when your feeling important, Sometimes, when your ego’s in bloom Sometimes, when you take it for granted, You’re the best qualified in the room. Sometimes, when you feel that your going, Would leave an unfillable hole Just follow this simple instruction, And see how it humbles your soul Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to the wrist Pull it out; and the hole that’s remaining Is a measure of how much you’ll be missed You may splash all you wish when you enter, You can stir up the water galore But stop and you’ll find in a minute, That it looks quite the same as before The Moral of this quaint example, Is to do the best that you can Be proud of yourself, but remember, THERE IS NO INDISPENSABLE MAN OR WOMAN. VOLUNTEER POSITIONS VACANT FUNDRAISING WHO: A willing volunteer from each service. WHAT: To be a representative for your service on WSFS Inc Fund Raising Committee. WHEN : Meetings are held 4th Thursday of each month at WSFS offices at Tuggerah Lakes Community Centre Bay Village Road Bateau Bay at 1pm. REQUIREMENTS: You will be required to actively promote fund-raising ventures in your service that are held from time to time by WSFS Inc. You will be asked to participate at meetings, assist in setting up and organising fund raising projects e.g annual fete and raffles. CONTACT: If you are interested in this position please contact Cheryl Smith 4333 6942 or Colin Wiseman. 43993107. DECEMBER 2003.
