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Delta Force

The Team

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Delta Force is Wausa Nebraskas Rep. Team. Also, Last seasons (2003-2004) top team on a win/lose ratio. The Team is made up of Michael Mathews, Mikey Neeman, and James Neiman.

Michael Mathews (Doo), Capt./Front man, will be leading the team this year with hopes to reclaim the #1 Rank from last year. Fresh out of Basic Training, Doo plans on bringing a new form of offense to the game. Also Doo is the Top rated player from last seasons games in North East Nebraska. Rated #1, Doo was also named Leages Most Leathel Player.

Mikey Neeman (Beefy), Co-Capt./ Sniper will be calling the shots as far as defense goes. In the last Season Mikey Neeman was one of the most feared players in the leage. Anyone who remebers the first Turney of the season can tell you about the "One Shot Wonder" where Beefy caped off Mike Deniger with his first shot of the day from 150 yards. And dont forget about the second round where he Light Jeff F. up like a christmas tree, and got him 2 times in mid-air!

James Neiman, Delta Forces Rookie player showed everyon last season that just becouse your new, doesnt mean you cant get the job done. James walked out of his first Turny with 3rd place. Prior to that day he had NEVER played a game of paintball in his life~! Beating Beefy in the 3rd round showed everyone that hes no one to play around with.