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Even though Flopsy didn’t ask any more questions now, the spyder still would stop every once in a while, and point the Gelert’s attention towards something. He learned many things that day. They walked untill nightfall. Then, with the help of his little friend, Flopsy found somewhere to spend the night. It had been a tiring day, and has soon as the young Neopet layed down he fell asleep. Deadmeat stayed awake, however, and watched over him during the night. At the light of dawn Flopsy woke up. He looked around in panic. “Where am I? Mom? DAD!?” He jumped on his feet. “Now, don’t worry my friend.” He looked towards the voice, and looked at Deadmeat. Again remembering what had happened, he started to cry... Chapter 3: Deadmeat

There was a very annoying buzzing. He wanted to lift up his paw and slash at it, but he couldn’t. He could barely move, he was that weak. He slowly opened his eyes. The sunlight hurt them. He looked around. He noticed a strange blue creature flying around his head. He blinked. The creature was still there. Suddenly he heard a voice in his head. “Hello there little fellow. I am known as Deadmeat. Do not ask why, it is irrelevant. I was chosen to accompany you in the journey that is ahead. Poor little fellow, you can barely speak! Please, try and follow me. Crawl if you must.” The little blue creature flew away. SirFlopsy tried to move his paws again. This time, he succeeded. Slowly, he crawled after Deadmeat. After a few minutes they reached a dark pool. “Here young Gelert, have a drink”, came the voice in his head. He crawled to the edge of the pool, and started to drink. With every gulp he felt the strength returning in his body. Deadmeat meanwhile had flewn to the center of the pool. He made an awfull lot of noice. SirFlopsy suddenly noticed a orange stripe moving from the middle of the pool towards him. Deadmeat was following it.

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