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The Artist I have Become

Hi. My name is Rebecca. I am a 17 year old female who has been dealing with a lot of issues my whole life. I would like to welcome you to MY world. Throughout this web site I would like to invite you to see the world through my eyes and try to understand. A coping skill I have learned to use to deal with that which I have been dealt would be self-mutilation. I would like to just take you through my life and experiences on this page. I realize a lot which I may say will either scare you or you can identify with. NOTE:Some references on my page may contain TRIGGERING MATERIAL. So please, be in a safe place. For anyone to whom my life seems too scary to venture into fruther, there is a Retreat and Go back button that will take you out of the page you are currently in on every page. This is for your convenience. I realize some stuff is hard to read. I'm just revealing to you my life and the bear facts. So, enter. By inviting you in to my soul, my thoughts, the heart of my being, you are being given permission to rape through my life. Be gentle please. I am inviting you in to share, not to condemn or judge. Thank you and enjoy. I want you all to know that if it wouldn't have been for my faith in God, I would not be here right now. He has carried me so far. If you want to talk at all about this, feel free to sign my guestbook or email me.

Here is where the Journey Begins

My Morbid Soul...poetry from within
The Daily Bread I live off of...a journal i will write in day-to-day
The life of an story
How was your journey through me?...sign my guestbook
A cast of Characters...people in my life
Under the influence of...basic info about me
The Song That Used to Be In My Heart...Gone...songs and quotes
So you still don't understand what it is all about?...information for the oblivious on self mutilation
More Poems from the Mind of Rebecca
Webrings I am a part of
