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Leon and I. Alone and wearing funky hats.

Bathrooms. At a furn.

Feral white kitty sitting in a fire.

I'm the blue kitty. Call me queen!

Randomly dead felines

Everyone gathered around the cauldron that Moogdroog named. Jonathan

A canine and a phoenix

Say Cheese!

Zar and I on Chocobo.

The Coaster of New Haven. Not so fun.

Not only do the 2 seated tables get crowded. So do the 4 seated tables.

Yes. I went to this dream out of curiosity.

Someone came in and killed us all. No really.

Three dragons

Moonray's pillow project.

The Furre Wash...Beware the holes!

A big dragon amongst felines and canines


Lone kitty on the island

Snoozin while Moonray talks to another feline about.....raising the dead?o.O

I'm a moogle!! ...Don't ask.

Free and naked in one of the clothless dreams.

Methalus and Madril...Or is that Yushin beside Madril? o.o;

Lit phoenix comin through! *fwoosh*

Pretty pillows. *_*

12 minutes later,the furres at the table realised I was the pink fur. Ha!

The dragon killed the kitty with her rainbow heart breath!

At a table with a group of furres and one quiet Samara(the red furry)

The sex school gym. Everyone sitting watching a play.

Zarneth trying to hide from being screenshotted.

a pretty black and blue draggy sleeping....I think.

Aleron Silverfur,a long time friend who talked me into downloading furcadia.

I'm the one standing in my seat,enjoying my wings in the deep ocean cafe.

Shade,Warrior Pal,Dye and I.

Draaagoooon! :p

Sex ed class. Snap and run!

I have baggy pants! Really a winged kitty/draggie named Robot-Ex


The bunnies are taking over! Eeeek!

In order. Vipercat,me and Dracius.

"Oh my god! You changed your color again!"

Flirty/couple table is allways crowded.

Look mah! I'm a draggie! I'm the one by the pinkish white draggie.

A line of flaming Phoes.

Irvine Crystal.

Me as a mare. *nicker*

Notice anything out of place?

Me in a furn dream again.

Madril as a pretty draggie instead of a Phoenix. ^_^


A mixture of creatures.

Myrabye. Allways lying down.

Bikini patch. And Coran has the same colored speedo as his fur.

If you look carefully you will see something icky.


Me,Myrabye and Moogdroog situing amongst pillows we stoll.

Riding birdies! =D

I'm a centuar in a funky ass dream. o.o

I'm tinkerbell! Oh wait I'm a FAERIE not a pixie.

Attack of the clones....furc style.


Rainbow entrance to Harmony house..

Griffin! Wai!

This is what happenes after a server crash. Furn gets hella crowded.

The cabbits of Gay Isle. XD

The hallway that goes on and on and on....

What I look like in Lesbian inn. Ha!

Rain is the white horse. Duh. :p

Can you imagine Big Gay Al's house like this?


You'd think some dreams would be easy to find...

Here have my shirt.


Dragon sleeping...with her legs on a table and a feline staring.


A VERY small group finally.

Big snuggly Phoe.

Gimme a T! :p

Blaningfires and Ravani who cloned her.

Ravani gets cloned 3 times. XD

Egyption dream. Good be can't explore.

IDM gathering.

Me as a little draggie attacking Zero. =D

Zero and I lying down beside Dracius in his dream.

IDM meeting with one mustie attending.

Seaworld dream...Yikes...

Rain's alts are the ones behind me.All horsies.

Just being really silly.

The rarely seen beekin named Carnage.

A small group sitting by the water.

Big ass snuggly pile. We all looked dead too.

Stallion Breeding grounds bedroom which I quickly liked,unfortunatly I haven't seen the dream anymore.

Outside in the dark.

Dracius,Voreless and rian.

The torture class of yiffy high school.

Treed griffin

Dead pokemon.

I'm the charmander sitting in the fire.

Ubena the catterfly gone phoenixy.

Furres of the water hole.

How many times do you think I have gone to this dream?

Wild biker chick kitty. ^_^

A furn dream with a hell of a lot of bubbles.

7 bunnies all the same color.

Really cool DBZ dream despite me looking like a female version of goku.

Many horses,felines and two wolves. I couldn't resist wandering off and dragging clouds over when I found some.