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What's New

May 11, 2005

Sorry for not updating for about 10. I just had to do lot's of work! Well, please ask me to review any sites! At this point, I will review any site. As long Emails don't pile up, I can review any site. So, see you soon!

In case you haven't noticed, I added a scrolling text bar above to shout out some important info. Well, I added some product buttons on some of my review pages. Hopefully if I can generate some revenue, I can pay for a better web hosting plan here on Angelfire and improve my site.

I have finished the "Website Reviews Weekly Top 5"! I have added it onto it's own page and it is now currently runing so Check It Out!

Sorry for not posting anymore information since Saturday, but my computer ws malfunctioning. Well I'll start updating again! Hello! I have launched an ad campaign on a few websites to make my site more popular. I have also started searching for websites to review. Please send me more links for sites!

Right now I have added a guestbook that you can sign. It's on my front page, so check it out! Plus, you can contact me by clicking on my Email link at the bottom of any page on this site.

Also, I have added a new button at my front page that allows anyone to make a small donation of money to keep my website running.

Please donate now! :)

Further Updates to Come


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