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You know you've been in Papillion too long when...

Okay, since I have had a ton of emails with more additions, I have added a link to the bottom of the page for folks younger than...hmmm...I'll just say 26. Odds are some of those guys might not remember some of the stuff that's been added to this main list. There are some repeats, so nobody's going to miss anything. Thanks a bunch!

  1. You remember when Hobby Lobby was a grocery store, or better yet, when that whole Wal*Mart complex didn't even exist.
  2. You remember going to the Southroads Mall movie theater.
  3. You have this little section of your closet devoted to all maroon clothing.
  4. You won't admit it to anyone but the best part about the pep rallies is the pom squad performance.
  5. You've ever eaten at the little cafe-type thing in Baker's.
  6. You began to like math to a certain extent because of your calculus class.
  7. You've learned that you can guess the name of Omaha and Lincoln area high schools by applying a direction to the city name.
  8. The Ranch Bowl is the extent of your concert experience.
  9. For fun, you've hung out at the Starbuck's in Albertson's.
  10. You've ever worked at Baker's.
  11. The only team you ever played for the championship in junior high was LaVista.
  12. You remember when Hickory Estates didn't exist.
  13. You remember when Hickory Hill 2 didn't exist.
  14. You know, for a fact, that the swim team does the best TP jobs.
  15. The only amusement park you've been to is Papio Fun Park.
  16. Everything relatively good is only 20 minutes away (i.e. Oakview, Westroads, the Old Market, all the movie theaters)
  17. The only time you actually parked in downtown Papillion was for Papillion Days or the all-you-can-eat pancakes at the fire station.
  18. You say PA-PILL-YUN, not PAP-E-YONE.
  19. The best Chinese restaurant you've ever been to is Ming's.
  20. You remember when the tire tower in Halleck Park was in the playground at Hickory Hill Elementary.
  21. You ate a Burger King before it was remodeled with that black/purple pattern.
  22. You still don't know the names of all the elementary schools in the school district.
  23. You know at least one Iverson. (sorry Carrie...had to go there...)
  24. Nobody ever has a real spring break vacation.
  25. Every once and a while a breeze filled with cow smells comes through your neighborhood.
  26. Your house used to be a corn field.
  27. You've been so bored that you were willing to go on a trip to Big Lots.
  28. You remember when Giles was one lane and a dirt road past 84th street.
  29. Half the people you know go to St. Columbkille for church.
  30. You remember when Country General (before it closed) was Wheeler's.
  31. You were one of the first in line when Papio Bay first opened.
  32. You know you'll always call Gordman's the "1/2 Price Store" or "Richmond Gordmans" even.
  33. You graduated high school with the same folks you went to elementary school with.
  34. You've been in the Papillion Days parade at least once (if not that then LaVista Days).
  35. You can get to just about any of your friends houses from Edgewood Blvd.
  36. You remember when Papillion-LaVista High School was known as just plain-old Papillion High School.
  37. You know there was a time when the softball team actually lost more games than they won.
  38. You just happen to have blocked the above fact out of your mind.
  39. For some reason or another a friend convinced you to go out for a sport in junior high.
  40. You swear you saw yourself in a scene from "Election".
  41. You know that the forensics team doesn't mess around with dead bodies.
  42. You went to a "junior high" NOT a "middle school".
  43. The only reason you go to SuperTarget is because Wal*Mart is so old and gross.
  44. You remember when the high school used to have its own baseball field.
  45. The overcrowding problem at the high school is "all the sophomore's fault".
  46. You scroll through the guestbook on this page and recognize 99% of the names in it.
  47. You've been pulled over for speeding on Giles Rd.
  48. The only time you have a smidgen of school spirit is when someone calls your mascot the "butterfly".
  49. You notice that the standout athletes all belong to the same family.
  50. You were so bored that you went into any of the little shops in Tara Plaza or in downtown Papillion by your own free will.
  51. If you happen to be about 6 feet tall, you're recruited for the volleyball team.
  52. You actually liked the Papillion Public Library more when it was in City Hall.
  53. You used to buy all your books at Little Professor Bookstore.
  54. You remember when Hickory Estates was the only forest in this town (now there are none...).
  55. You remember when Albertson's was K-mart.
  56. You remember going on gravel roads to "heartbeat bridge" out west of town.
  57. You read each of these items and 90% of them apply directly to you.
  58. You used to shop at the The Golden Rule grocery store.
  59. You remember when Mr. Thompson was the principal AND the PE teacher at Trumble Park Elementary.
  60. You were too scared to enter Mr. Heavrin's social studies class because of all of the horror stories that older kids had told you.
  61. You remember when the junior high didn't have a practice gym.
  62. You'd go out to eat at Moe's Steakhouse.
  63. You remember crossing the pedestrian bridge to go to your Math or PE class in the 'old' building of the junior high.
  64. You can recall who John Joubert was.
  65. You remember when the junior high was only one level.
  66. You know who invented the human P-A-P-I-O for sporting events.
  67. You remember when the high school didn't have a track or a practice field.
  68. Beach Day was the highlight of your high school career.
  69. You remember what a sweet man Mr. Ridenour was.
  70. You refered to Mr. Kinkennon at the junior high as "Special K".
  71. You remember going to dance-a-thon's at the junior high.
  72. You remember when the Eagles Club used to be Paul's Drugs.
  73. You traded your empty pop bottles for money there.
  74. You know the name of the Boy Scout who built the tire tower in Halleck Park.
  75. You think the best Dairy Queen in the world is one that's open in the winter.
  76. You remember when Hickory Estates used to be called E-walk Forest.
  77. The local boys just don't grown up. Even after high school.
  78. You've walked through the sewers with flash lights down on Rogers Street.
  79. Your wake up call in the fall is the high school band marching in your streets.
  80. The Pom Squad is more liked by the fans than the cheerleaders.
  81. The highlight of your weekend consists of going to either Papillion or LaVista Days (Hello...same carnival).
  82. The coolest thing in elementary was to be in DARE.
  83. You can hear someone's bass a mile away.
  84. You've ever watched the 4th of July fireworks from Hickory Estates.
  85. You used fish at Halleck Pond for fun (or you still do...whatever floats your boat).
  86. You thought Crossroads was the best mall ever.
  87. You have at least one member of your extended family in the same grade as you.
  88. You've come to the conclusion that the only things to do are to go out to eat or go to a high school sporting event.
  89. You can remember when 1st Street was a dead end.
  90. You remember when 72nd Street did not go through to Hwy 370 (It didn't even go past Cornhusker!).
  91. You know that the floral shop downtown used to be a gas station.
  92. You can remember when Papio Creek flooded the downtown area.
  93. You ordered the best french fries at Papio Bowl when your PE class went there.
  94. You remember when there was a little airport located around 66th and Cornhusker.
  95. You remember or actually went to the inflatable church on 84th St.
  96. You bought your letter jackets at Ed's Clothing Store in Tara Plaza.
  97. You used to drive down 72nd St. when it was a two lane gravel road from Giles on south.
  98. You know there was life before Keno lounges.
  99. You used to go to the Hinky Dinky Store on 84th & Harrison where Rock Bottom is now.
  100. You made random visits to 'The Spook House' (where Runza is now; used to be a train depot).
  101. You remember when the Sarpy County Jail was on the 3rd floor of City hall.
  102. You remember when one of the senior classes listed the high school and all the other students for sale in the World Herald (The ad included an aerial shot of the the land with the principal's number listed as where to call for more information!).
  103. You used to see the S.W.A.T. team trucks.
  104. You can recall what S.W.A.T. actually stood for (Sewer Water And was the water company).
  105. You remember when Cornhusker Road used to be Highway 370 (It was known as "old 370" when the current 370 was built and later changed to Cornhusker).
  106. You went to the Dairy Treat south of the city park.
  107. You ever used the gymnasium that was were the schools central office is now.
  108. You can remember what the Dairy Queen was before it became 'the Dairy Queen'.
For the younger generation...

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This site was created by Stephanie Panting...PLHS c/o 2001