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(The scene opens up to Nexus sitting down on his couch, and next to him is Sarah. He’s holding a cup with whiskey in it and appears to be in the middle of a conversation with Sarah.)

Sarah: You know, Nex, you promised me that you weren’t gonna end up in a hospital for wrestling, again.
Nexus: Hey, its not really my fault. It was Ripper that put me in the hospital. But see…

(Nexus looks over at the camera guy.)

Nexus: Now I’m back to 100 percent and I’m ready for my comeback match. And look at this, its to determine the #1 contender for the World Title. But see, here’s the thing. I’m against Gyro. Now Gyro ain’t a pushover like the other losers in this federation. This guy could actually pose a challenge. I mean, I’m not saying I can’t handle this challenge. Its just, I think I might break out a sweat in this match. See Gyro, I want this title way more than you do, not because of the title, but because I gotta settle this whole thing with Ripper.

(There’s a knock on the door and Nexus goes to see who it is. He looks through the peephole and opens the door. Darren is on the other side of the door and Nexus lets him in. He walks over to the living room and Sarah turns around to see who it is as Nexus walks over to the kitchen.)

Sarah: Oh great.
Darren: What the hell, I didn’t even start this time.
Sarah: Fine. Hi Darren.
Darren (mumbling under his breath): Tease.
Sarah: What’s that?
Darren: What, I didn’t say anything.
Sarah: Well you never said hi back.
Darren: Hi back.
Sarah: You’re such an ass you know that?

(Nexus walks out of the kitchen and into the living room.)

Nexus: Are you two fighting already? Damn, what the hell is wrong with you people
Darren: It’s all her fault.
Sarah: You’re acting like a 5-year old.
Nexus: Stop it the both of you. I’ve had enough of this fighting and arguing. You people better quit this s**t, I’m dead serious.

(Darren looks over at Sarah and Sarah looks over at Darren.)

Sarah: I’m willing to let it go if you’re gonna let it go.
Nexus: Listen, you don’t need to worry about what happened before. It’s ancient history.
Darren: Fine.
Nexus: Good.

(Nexus goes over to his mini bar takes out a bottle of vodka and a bottle of tequila and some cherry syrup. He mixes them together in a small glass and gives it to Darren.)

Nexus: You’re the only dumbass who would drink this. This tastes like crap you know that?
Darren: It’s not that bad.
Nexus: Well I am talking to a guy who’d eat or drink just about anything.
Darren: Yeah. Remember the day I came up with this.
Nexus: How could I forget? Dude remember the day that you ran out a bottle of vodka and a bottle of tequila and a bottle of cherry syrup making this crap.
Darren: Yeah, I got drunk as hell that day.
Nexus: You were drunk after half of a cup of this stuff. You were just lucky that those bottles were almost empty.
Darren: Yeah, I know.

(Nexus drinks from his cup and walks over to the mini bar and puts the glass inside of the sink.)

Nexus: Hey Sarah, do you want anything to drink.
Sarah: No, I’m ok.
Nexus: You sure, because you better not wait until I’m sitting down to tell me that you want to drink.
Sarah (trying hard not to laugh): Yeah, I’m sure.
Nexus: I swear, you do this and I won’t get you anything.
Sarah (still trying not to laugh): Nex, I’m sure.

(Nexus walks over from the mini bar and sits down.)

Sarah: You know, I could go for some-
Nexus: Get it yourself.

(Sarah and Darren start laughing. Sarah gets up and walks over to the fridge behind the mini bar and gets a can of Sprite.)

Nexus: Listen, I’m gonna go to the roof and finish doing this thing, ok you two?
Sarah: Ok Nex.
Darren: No prob.

(Nexus walks upstairs to his room as the camera fades to commercials.)

*Commercial Break*
(The scene opens up to the rooftop of the apartment building where Nexus lives. However, he isn’t wearing his usual all black. Instead, its dark sunglasses with a white frame, a white trench coat, a white shirt underneath, and white pants and boots, along with white fingerless gloves.)

Nexus: Well, the ambiance of the MFW right now is that things seem to be going downhill, but believe me; it won’t be going downhill for much longer. For you see, I have returned from my injury better than before. Which is just in time, because on Monday at Bash, I will be going up against Gyro, and if I beat him, I’ll become #1 contender for the World Title. Now, I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a very long time and it has finally come. See, after I beat Gyro on Monday, the only thing between the World Title and me is Ripper. Now Ripper, you made a very big mistake by injuring me because by injuring me, you have made this a personal vendetta because before, I just wanted the title because I had nothing against you. But now, you see, this has become personal. It’s not only about the title anymore. It’s a chance for me to get a little revenge and getting revenge is something that I do very, very well.

(Nexus starts pacing back and forth.)

Nexus: Now see, this isn’t the only thing I wanted to talk about. See, I have another topic that I would like to address. Now see, after I got injured, I started thinking. Perhaps being alone in this federation isn’t very beneficial to me. So I am looking for a suitable manager. Now, I’m gonna be very, very picky about my decision because this is gonna be someone that I can trust with my life pretty much, because they will be looking out for me and vice versa. Now hopefully, I won’t get a bunch of punk rooks that want to be my manager because I wouldn’t trust a rook with anything. See, what will happen is this, if I don’t find a suitable manager, then I’ll just continue to be alone until someone comes that I find to be a very suitable manager. Don’t think I’m limiting my search to the pathetic excuse of talent I’ve seen so far. This is sort of a search that will be going on for as long as it has to. Hopefully there is someone out there that is good enough to meet my standards and become my manager. Now think about this: If you think that you are good enough to be my manager and you want to side with a very powerful force which will soon reign over this federation, then answer me and I’ll see if you’ve got what it takes. Believe me, this is the chance of a lifetime, the opportunity to side with me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way out.

(The camera follows Nexus as the camera fades.)


The True Champion