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Links:  |Tombola|Fruit Machine|Coltzans Shrine|Wheel of Excitement|Wheel of Monotony|Healing Springs|Giant Omellete|Giant Jelly|Test Your Strength|Wheel of Mediocrity|Wheel of Misfortune|Snowager|Scratchcard Kiosk|

1. No spamming on the message boards or on neomails

2. Don't beg, bribe or give people items just for the guild contest prizes

3. Respect the guild council and treat others the way you want to be treated

4. No offensive material or language.

Adoption Agency

To adopt a pet from one of these accounts you have to neomail me and I will put them up for adoption. There is no fee for the pets but please don't beg for the pets. You have to be quick to get the pet from the pound.




Welcome to the ~Guild of Infinite Neopians~ Guild Web!!!

Feel free to browse

Guild Games

Guild Banners

(Advertise our guild!)


If you refer our guild you will be given a prize. The prize will be given for the number of people you've referred.


1 Referral-Scratchcard

5 Referrals- 1000NP

10 Referrals- Dubloon (Random)

20 Referrals- Codestone (Random)

Note: To get your neopoints please put a junk item in your trades and I will bid 1001NP on it so you can get your NPs.

Note to everybody:

Plz don't copy any of my guild pictures and please don't just join for the newbie packs. Thanks!

Newbie Packs:

To get newbie packs you have to be at least 7 days (one week old) to get your newbie packs.


To advance ranks you have to donate items to the donation shop, be an active member, and help around the guild.

Donation shops:






Last updated: [05/23/04]






You will recieve points from contests or if your a good member and you also get them for donating. What are points you ask??? Well they are things you get and use for items. for example if you have the correct number of points you will get an item for free. Neomail me and you will get your free item and I will take away that number of points from you.

Point Prizes

(Rare) PB: 2000pts
Paint Brush: 500pts
Codestones: 50pts
Bottled Faerie: 45pts
Dubloons: 40pts
Petpet: 35pts
Neggs: 30pts
Random Prize: 3-5pts
Junk Item:1pt.


Guild Contest

The current contest for June is the codestone contest. You will be informed if you won the contest. Remember there will only be one winner besides the second, third, and runner up for the contest. You will also have to donate items to one of the donation shops. Rules: You have to donate the most dried apricots to me.

Grand Prize: Main codestone 5pts

Second and Third prize: two dubloon coin and one dubloon coin and 2-3pts

Runner Up: Random Prize and 1pt

Free Services:

We offer free food, toys, books and medicine. If you want some of these items you have to neomail me first of why you want it. ~Thx.





Wars occur every 2 months just for fun there is one war coming in July it's when you have to throw the most pile of dung to other guild users. This is a chance for you to get rid of some of your pile of dung's to throw the pile of dung to other users just send it to them. For more info neomail me!



The member of the month will be posted here and will get a cool item from me! To become one you have to be very active, help out with the guild, and donate items or neopoints,



The member of the week will receive a random prize!To become one you have to be very active, and help out with the guild


Thanks for Visiting the Guild Web!!

Plz come again!

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