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Nennies trip to Iceland! To Denmark!

On July 5th we left the house around 11:30 am.
The weather got gradually worse as we moved eastwards
into Germany with heavy rain. The weather got a lot
better when we reached the Danish border. Arrived in
Ribe, Denmark’s oldest town and put up the tent ^^
We spent the 6th in Ribe, sightseeing and such, last
time I was here was about 11 years back so I only remembered
some vague fragments *plays FF8’s Fragments of Memories* ;)
July 7th we covered the last part of Denmark and arrived in
Hanstholm, the harbour. We found a nice camping behind an
astonishingly beautiful landscape of dunes covered with
moss, grass and several other plants.
We stayed in Hanstholm, making trips to nearby
towns until July 10th, the day of the boat. Had some stormy
weather during the night and secured the tent at 3 am.

The First Boattrip o.-

Exited! Our ship, the Norröna, is a very nice cruise
with a weird touch. For example.. bathrooms are only on one
side of the ship, and only one set of stairs all the way on
the other side of the ship leads down to the couchettes on deck 2
(we took the cheap travel way.. a cabin is expensive)
couchettes are open cabins with 6 or 9 beds. Everything seemed
to being going fine, called Rutger, but couldn’t really talk well
because he kept going out of reach -.- oh well. The couchettes were
HOT, the floor temp was 40.2 degrees (C that is..) and the rest
was 37! Blah… didn’t get much sleep. We met 4 Dutch boys (I’m
thinking students) on their way to Iceland as well, had a few
chats, saw them around a few times. Woke up and walked
around on the ship a bit, started to feel a little uneasy and
when I took the elevator I got sick >.> seasickness it seemed,
threw up 3 times, ain’t that nice? Usually after throwing up
it passes though, but it didn’t.. I kept feeling sick and
tired and by dinnertime I had a headache, earache and a
slight fever. Looks more like flu, grrr. Spent the rest of
the journey in my extremely hot bed feeling mwah.
The morning of our arrival in Torshavn on the Faroe Islands
I felt good, really fine ^^ so packed our stuff and we
were asked to go to the car deck. As we were standing in
front of the elevator I noticed something was wrong and
told my parents “I don’t think I should go on the elevator”
my mom left to get something in case I had to throw up
again and the next thing I know I’m sitting on the floor
while my dad is breathing cool air down my neck, appearantly
I fainted o.O not good.. first time, scary stuff it is.
I’m thinking it’s because it was too damn hot in the
couchettes, I had the flu, a fever, I barely ate for 2 days
and I hardly got some good night sleep. I nearly passed
out again but concentrated until the weird feeling passed.
Then I had to get up and climb what seemed like an endless
set of stairs. I made it to the car and finally off of the ship.
The ship itself sails constantly for a few months, the
nationality is Faroese (Faroe Islands) but from our point
of view it departed from Hanstholm, Denmark and sailed to
Torshavn, Faroes where it dropped us Iceland-passengers
off and continued to Lerwick on the Shetland Islands (UK)
and to Bergen, Norway. Then it came back to the Faroe
Islands where it picked us up and continued to Iceland

The Lovely Faroes

We arrived at 6am in the morning, on schedule,
found a camping in a town called Eiði. A small
grass field with room for 6 tents max and two wooden
buildings with 2 showers and 2 bathrooms. The only
suspicious thing was those houses.. they were tied to
huge concrete blocks with several strong ropes.. o.o
I spend a lot of time in the tent in my sleeping bag,
still with the flu. We drove around in the car to see the
islands Eysturoy and Streymoy. The Faroes are gorgeous
green rocks in the sea, with lovely towns. All houses are
built separately and are all different styles and colors.
Still not getting better and the fever won’t go away,
so taking drugs, joy.

Second Boattrip – oh boy…

July 14th we packed up our stuff in Eiði and made a last
tour of the islands and visited Torshavn and bought
cough drops for my throat before going to the boat. I’ve
had it with the camping, 3 times now I’ve tried to take
a shower when everyone told me the water was so nice and
Hot and all I get is lukewarm or ice cold showers!
Come on…! Gah. Oh well, I know the boat has a good shower,
I’m just wondering if I can manage to keep standing.
Luckily the boat leaves at night and arrives in Seyðisfjörður
the next morning, so I stay in bed and everything’s alright.
Ate a full lunch today o.O it’s been several days since I
actually ate a full meal. I’ve been living of a few rice
crackers for a week..
The couchettes are, again, really hot but this time we
share them with 2 people (from Belgium, which I didn’t know
so we spoke in English.. heh) the lady told me the other
couchettes were not this hot, I went to check it out and my
dad arranged another couchette.. just 21 degrees o.O gah!
Why didn’t I think of checking that before…?! Well, this
sleeps a lot better.

Arrival in Iceland!!

Seyðisfjörður! Woo! We arrive at 8am and we go out on deck
(like many other passengers(including the 4 Dutch boys we
met before and I also spotted in Hanstholm)) heh funny,
neither of them had a big enough car so together they bought
one for Iceland and they were going to sell it again once
they got back. The view is beautiful! Though it’s quite cold
outside and I’m not better yet. The harbour lies hidden in a
fjord so it takes us a while to get there.
When we get off the boat we stop to get fuel and money. The
4 boys ask us if we were checked by customs etc, appearantly
they got searched by dogs and all XD and they had to turn in
their meat (you’re not allowed to import meat or dairy..) they
ask us how much an Icelandic crone is worth, my mom thinks
you have to devide by 8 to get euros so they get 1000 crones
and we get 5000. We moved on to the next town, Egilsstaðir
along with many other passengers. In the Supermarket we see
packages of nuts for 21 euros.. that can’t be right. It’s more
like dividing by 80 instead of 8! (turned out to be 88, actually)
the 4 boys were behind us with only 10 euros to buy food for 4
persons XD oops..
We took the northern part in the direction of Mývatn and Akureyri
and we found a camping site at a farm called Grimstaðir.

The First Waterfall

After we arrived in Grimstaðir we took an inland road to Dettifoss.
Iceland only has one asphalt road, which is the ringway. All other
roads are gravel, mostly hard but sometimes loose, heh. The road to
Dettifoss was veeeerry bumpy o.O it made you wonder if the car was
gonna stay whole. Dettifoss is a beautiful fall, a little further up
the river is another fall, Selfoss, very gorgeous as well and
downstream from Dettifoss is another fall, Hafragilsfoss. All in all
we walked about 10 kilometres, I think.
