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Multimedia Concepts

In this class we learned so much about multimedia that it is hard to tell about all of it. We learned what multimedia was and how it is used today not only in the business world but also by individuals just wanting to enjoy the conviences of a computer.

We were taught how to incorporate text, graphics, sound, animation, and video on multimedia. This was embedded in our memories by projects that called for us having to use all of this knowledge and getting graded on how well we completed each project. Of course, Dana was there to help us if we got to a problem we didn't know how to solve. We were also able to use programs like Director and Power Point to help us to accomplish our goals on these projects.

Below you will find links to two of our projects in this book. One is a web page that we created following directions from the book and the other is a movie titled Fun using Director as our guide. I hope you enjoy both of these projects.

