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Started and last updated on 10/30/03

Hey everybody for those of you who don't know my name is Martin Farrell. I'm a 22 year old male living in Bellevue, Nebraska. I just recently moved with my girlfriend and her two kids into a two bedroom apartment. Unfortunatley we are struggling everyday plus our apartment is too little for everything we have. Then to top things off both of our vehicles have been put out of commission. Now I have no choice but to sell some stuff that I have come across which I no longer have any use or need for. These are a wide variety of things ranging from Yu-Gi-Oh trading cards to a mini frige. This will be my online garage sale seeing how its hard to actually have a garage sale in an apartment. What I'll do is Put up a new item every time I get the chance and if you see something you like send me an E-mail and make an offer. As of right now you have to be in the local area for me to sell or be willing to come down and pick up the item. Hopefully this will get easier. Well I've got to go for now but be sure to keep an eye out for our new items. Also don't forget to let others know about the site and send me some feedback letting me know what I can do to make this site better for you.

Thanks for all the support,

Martin Farrell

P.S. If this breaks any laws or breaks the terms and policys of angelfire please E-mail me at and I will cease what ever it is I'm not supposed to be doing.

get this gear!