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Sorry it's been too long but things have been hectic in the Nuclear Z Studio. But I have good news, we will be updating the site this weekend. I will fill everyone in on everything that has happened in the last month on Sunday. Until then, later.


Hey wassup! Not much here. Jus trying to get things going. Things are comin' together. Check out our new series, Cheesy At Best. It makes fun of stupid web sites that people actually put on the web. Kinda like this one. This months is brought to you by AOL. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Monday (6/9) is officially my first year of independence from the spawn of Satan a.k.a. My ex-bizzo. So from now on, June 9 will be known as Nuclear Z Independence Day. Ok, now its time to go. L8R.


Sorry its been a while since I've updated. Been busy smoking and have a good time. Went camping on Memorial Day weekend. It was fun until, I got sunburned. I am currently working on a complete over haul of the site design. On a personal note, if you wanna talk shit about me, call me out, and then chicken out in the end and lie your ass off, well, your the biggest pussy in the world. Especially when this person is bigger than I am and is a so called "Professional Wrestler." Anyway, that's all I have to say right now. Well that and...Live from Omaha, it's Tuesday Afternoon!!! Later guys!

Still smokin'

Sorry. But believe it or not, we are getting things done.
Behind the scenes that is. So stay tuned.

Peace Out

Yes, that's right! Nuclear Z v2.0 is here.
But nothing is done because we have been celebrating 4/20 for the last month.
So nothing got done.
But now that 4/20 is over, we're gonna get to work.

Coming this week:
Aria Giovanni Gallery
Zero Tolerance review
and much,much more!!!

So stay tuned.

P.S. My new email address is
