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<% Response.Expires = -1000 'Makes the browser not cache this page Response.Buffer = True 'Buffers the content so our Response.Redirect will work Dim Error_Msg login = Request.Form("login") If login = "login_again" Then Session("UserLoggedIn") = "" ShowLogin Else If Session("UserLoggedIn") = "true" Then AlreadyLoggedIn Else If login = "true" Then CheckLogin Else ShowLogin End If End If End If Sub ShowLogin Response.Write(Error_Msg & "
") %>
User Name :
Password :
<% End Sub Sub AlreadyLoggedIn %> You are already logged in. Do you want to logout or login as a different user?
<% End Sub Sub CheckLogin Dim Conn, cStr, sql, RS, username, userpwd username = Request.Form("username") userpwd = Request.Form("userpwd") Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cStr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" cStr = cStr & "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("\home\codelib\howto\aspadvanced\passwordhowto.mdb") & ";" Conn.Open(cStr) sql = "select username from UserTable where username = '" & LCase(username) & "'" sql = sql & " and userpwd = '" & LCase(userpwd) & "'" Set RS = Conn.Execute(sql) If RS.BOF And RS.EOF Then Error_Msg = "Login Failed. Try Again." ShowLogin Else Session("UserLoggedIn") = "true" Response.Redirect "protectedpage2.asp" End If End Sub %> <% Response.Expires = -1000 'Makes the browser not cache this page Response.Buffer = True 'Buffers the content so our Response.Redirect will work If Session("UserLoggedIn") <> "true" Then Response.Redirect("login2.asp") End If %> This page is password protected. If you are reading this you entered
the correct name and password.