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I Love you Jen


Jennifer Lynn Oligmueller

This page is dedicated to the one who I love so much and will love forever and ever

Jen your Love and Passion is what keeps me going every single day without you in my life I'm a total lost. Meeting you was the greatest day of my life and when I looked into your beautiful eyes I knew I was in Love with you. Your my soul, my hope, my dreams, my everything. I don't want you to ever forget how much I love you and that you will never ever lose me for as long as we both live. I have found my future wife in you and someday I promise we'll wed and be happy for the rest of our lives together.

"To the one I Love"
"To the one who is so Sweet"
"To the one who I can Trust"
"To the one who is Sex-Y"
"To the one who is Honest"
"And Finally to the girl I want to be with Forever and Ever"

Why do you treat me so well? Who would have thought that in December I'd find the love of my life? There's only certain questions that we can answer but, we don't have them all, only one person on this universe can explain what brought us together and that's God. He brought Me and You together for a reason and that was to live happily ever after. He knew that we were perfect for eachother and he knew that our love would grow and grow. All my life I will pray to god and thank him for letting me find the women in my dreams and putting us together. Thank you God

Day by Day, I think about you and I sit sometimes and want to cry myself to sleep because of the feeling I have inside of me when I look up and see your pictures. This feeling inside me is Love, and the tears come from happiness because I have you and your the only person on this planet that I want to grow old with and die by your side. 4 months have gone fast for us hun and there's plenty more months were that came from, that we'll spend together. When I think back to the day I first seen you my heart started beating faster and faster because I was in love. I've had this feeling before but this time it was different, this time your love sunk right into me grabbing my heart and taking 100% of it.

Last but not least, I want to thank you for your support through my hard times and I want to thank your for taking me into your live and loving me the way you do, without you I would be a total wreck and totally lost in life. I love you Jen and nothing is ever going to change that.

Thank You Jen for Everything