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English II- Lesson Plans- Week of : April 19th-23rd


  • Objective: Conclude the Pearl
  • Method: discuss chpt 6 and individually do The right decision wksh – discuss orally for review.
  • Assessment: discussion will measure if students understand what it means to be isolated/lonely.
  • Assignment: written test Tuesday.
  • Standard:


  • Objective: test students understanding of minority/majority/cultural differences/isolation/loneliness.
  • Method: Written Test
  • Assesment: students scores will measure understanding/comprehension
  • Assignment:
  • Standard:


  • Objective: Students explore isolation & loneliness with The Lord of the Flies
  • Method: discuss Maslow’s needs & author William Golding. Do activity #1 and discuss as grp. Anticipation guide in coop grps – discuss.
  • Assignment: Ch. 1
  • Standard:


  • Objective: students begin exploration of characters/setting/minor conflict
  • Method: Students will ID Maslow’s needs present at beginning of book. Discuss ch 1 and use wksh #2.
  • Assesment: discuss will measure understanding of pertinent info found in beginning of story.
  • Assignment: ch. 2
  • Standard:


  • Objective: Students develop understanding of conflict & re-evaluate Maslow’s needs
  • Method: Discuss ch 2 and apply Maslow’s needs. Do activity #7.
  • Assesment: discussion measures under standing of needs and those changes.
  • Assignment: Ch. 3 & 4
  • Standard:

