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English II- Syllabus

Aug. 20 – Aug. 29 - - Write Traits Review/Grammar review
*Review organization, ideas and voice
*Writing activities for organization, ideas and voice
*Review word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions
*Writing activities for wc, sf, and conventions
*Review grammar problem areas apparent from students writing activities

Sept. 2 – Sept. 19 - - Research paper
*Bibliography, internal documentation, and MLA format
*Topic of choice (4 page paper)

Sept. 22 – Nov. 7 - - Hero/Anti-Hero Unit
*The Great Gatsby (author, 20’s, literature)
*The Old Man and the Sea (author info, literature
*Profiles in Courage (in-class reading, research, power point presentations)

Nov. 10 – Dec. 20 - - Classical Literature & Mythology
*Edith Hamilton’s Mythology
*Review of myths, Trojan War, Fall of Troy
*Epic – The Odyssey & Star Wars
*The Odyssey project
*Comparison/Contrast paper of The Odyssey and Star Wars

Jan. 6 – Jan. 23 - - Classical Literature
*Greek theater bkgrd, Oedipus the King
*Research activities
*Persuasive paper – final project (review of persuasive writing)

Jan. 26 – Feb. 27 - - Intro to Drama
*Elizabethan theater bkgrd
*Romeo and Juliet and various activities
*Musical: Westside Story
*Comparison/Contrast paper between R&J and Westside Story

Mar. 1 – Mar. 19 - - Finish Drama Unit - You Can’t Take It With You
*Read and discuss orally
*Persuasive paper – What does the title mean and persuade either you can or can’t take “it” with you.

Mar. 22 – May 18 - - Isolation and Loneliness Unit
*Lord of the Flies (author, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, vocabulary)
*The Pearl (author info, vocabulary, writing assignments, explanation/examples/definition of a parable)
*Heart of Darkness (vocab, author info, story in relation to current events with a power point)

