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English 7- Missing Papers

Aug. 25 – Dec. 23 - - Free Reading
*Students will read 15 minutes every day at the beginning of class – book of their choice

Aug. 20 – Aug. 22 - - Format & Good Writing
*Explanation of what good writing looks like
*Read examples
*Examine three & five paragraph essay format
-proper introduction with grabber and thesis
-developing a body and transitions
-proper conclusion with recapping grabber, body and thesis

Aug. 25 – Aug. 29 - - Organization
*Examine examples of stories illustrating good and bad organization
*Explore leads and conclusions that are effective
*Writing activities: What would you do if you swallowed a bug?

Sept. 2 – Sept. 5 - - Idea Development
*Define how to develop an idea – show on paper
*Writing activities: Your favorite place, Your room, popcorn,
*Examples of stories having good idea development and bad idea development
*Peer editing

Sept. 8 – Sept 12 - - Voice
*Listen to different types of music – each artist has their own “voice”
*Examine same fairy tale written by different author
*Writing activities: wanted poster, garbology, the worst…

Sept. 15 – Sept 19 - - Sentence Fluency
*Examples such as nursery rhymes, Dr. Seuss illustrating sentence fluency
*Activities: hunt for longest and shortest sentence – does it work? Why or why not?
*Oral reading of passage of student’s choice
*Sentence review: complete sentences, fragments, run-ons

Sept. 22 – Sept. 22 - - Word Choice
*Examples of writings illustrating good and bad word choice
*Activities of good and bad words (words that need to be retired: stuff, good, big)
*Writing activities: word association poem
*Co-Op groups for editing

Sept. 29 – Oct. 3 - - Conventions
*Learn editor’s symbols for making corrections/editing
*Examine & practice using editor’s symbols with examples of writings
*Activities: Onceuponatime,
*Grammar review: capitalization, punctuation, common spelling errors

Oct. 6 – Oct. 10 - - Write Traits writing exercises
*Review all write traits for a written test
*Writing and editing: Why I don’t have my homework done, What makes me mad, an object that represents your personality

Oct. 13 – Oct. 15 - - Letter Review
*Review parts of a letter
*Define business letters vs. friendly letter
*Write a letter to a service person from the community – stay in touch by writing that person at least 3 more times during the school year.

Oct. 16 – Dec. 23 - - The Outsiders
*Explore the 60’s
*Define Greasers and Socials
*Develop a character analysis
*Examine the setting, themes, symbols, conflict

