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Date & TimeInformation
2:34 Pm
Happy Thanksgiving! I have managed to make 40% of the people I've talked to today mad at me. I don't know if that is a talent, or if I'm just in super bitch mode, but I know it's not a good thing. I have been having quite a few problems lately, and I'm in the middle of the breakdown. I've come to this conclusion. I am going to be hiding out for a little while. From everyone. This includes you. Those who do not think it includes you, It does. I will be online for only short amounts of time, and it will probably only be to work on things I need to get done. You are more than welcome to call my phone, and I may actually feel like talking and will 80% of the time answer it. But I'm not going to be hanging out w/ anyone for a while. I need time to myself and time to clear my head and get through this breakdown, and I do not want to offend/hurt/piss off anyone in the process. Saturday night will be my last night out for a while. Only because I promised I would see their band play. Other than that, you can write me an email, I will definately respond, message me online, or give me a call if you feel like it. To those of you that I have other plans with, I am so sorry that I am backing out, but I need to do this for myself. That is all I can say for right now.

Date & TimeInformation
12:01 Pm
So I've deleted all old entries. It's time for a new start. I met someone last night that made me have a new outlook on things. Just looking forward from now on. no more dwelling on past relationsips. NONE. and if you see me doing that, slap the hell out of me. I give you permission. I don't need to be lied to anymore. I'm sick of it. Get what I am owed and leave it at that. I know I will be better off and will no longer be hurt. I have such a better view on things now that I ever did before. And it is the greatest feeling ever. and I hope there are more great things like this to come.

Date & TimeInformation
5:03 Am
I suck for not touching this thing in 6 months. I finally got some motivation though. As of Nov. 8, I will no longer be a teenager, yay me! Kaleb is 6 months now and is so beautiful and fat! He was born 3/25/03 at 7:07am and weighed 8lbs 2oz. Now he is 18lbs 4oz. My chunky baby. I'm working for PRC now doing hospital surveys (fun fun!) and I am also the manager of a band called Mint Pink. You should check out their site, I've also come to the conclusion that most boys are assholes and highly stupid. Now this is just most boys, this does not apply to all. Well this is a long enough update for tonight. I'm sleepy.
