Lorena and I seperated April 30th, 2006. We are officially over. Thank you all for being such good friends while Lorena and I were together, and I wish those of you that went back to just being friends with Lorena, the best of luck in the future. I do plan to update about how things are going with me, the new people in my life, and what I'm doing for my career now, but I plan to make that into a whole new page file. Lorena I'm sorry it ended (no wait, i'm not actually). Brendon it was nice being able to talk to you, figgy it saddens me to lose you as a friend but i cant say i didnt expect it. Afterall, you have known Lorena since you were kids. Thank you Lorena. Despite that our relationship and friendship is over, I have changed a lot, and learned to be more open, and to stand up for what I believe in. I recently actually was upfront with my parents and it actually lifted a huge load off my shoulders. I feel like i can do anything now. I wont go into what i was upfront with them about here, but its good news. I wish you all the best of luck and Lorena I shall see you at the divorce hearing. Good bye everyone

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