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August 4th
Ah, after long time of not being so active, I have put up new contests and a new raffling contest!! Exciting. And a new poll. Apparently the petpet paint brush won the last poll, so that is the new raffling prize! Don't forget, MOTM is still being nominated so PLZ turn in your nominations to judy_8000 for someone to be member of the month! And have a great rest of the summer and see you soon!

July 12th
Hello. Well, lots of ppl are on vacation at the guild, so hmm..Yea. LoL. Okey, once we have 50 members..we're going to have a 50th member bash!!! Free petpet giveaways of your choice to ALL active members! (max is 20K) So go and get some more members! (must be active members though) And now we have a referring program that I will be making on a petpage! Don't forget, the raffling is still going on. It ends this Thursday and currently, ashia2238 has a chance of winning! ^_^

July 9th
Yay! The guild web is finished! Lookie at the purdy new layout. 2 pages are kind of messed up b/c of the tables. I am not able to fix them..but I'll keep trying. (the two pages are the guild ads and the MOTM).Hopefully I'll be able 2 fix it. Sooo, yush. Okey, ciao! ^_^

July 8th

Wow, I hope every1 had a great 4th of july! Well, I got to fixing the layout of the guild and managed to put the updates!! Yesh! Just to make the guild more spiffeh lookin eh? Haha. And here is the NEW layout for the guild web! Awesome!! Haha. Actually..this is the only page w/ the new layout. The others have the old layout. I am going to fix the others tmrw..or shall I later on..b/c it's like 3am..and I am mighty tired. ^_^ u kno..there are lotsa new contests w/ a raffling! Etc. etc. Don't feel like explaining again. Haha. Just check the main page of the guild. Alrighty, off 2 sleep! ::yawn::

June 22nd
Wooo! Summer!!! I found some time to update the guild web! It's been a while since I've spent some time on neopets. It's great to be back! So, there is still the wishing well open (now we have kinda of enough to grant your wishes!),a new member of the month,new mystery pic contest,open position for adoption,a new 1NP auction,and the avvie pages are updated!!!! There is this gap between the links in The Guild..I'm not sure what happened to the link?? but I'll try to fix it. If you would like to visit that link it's: Ciao! ^_^

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Neopet Tips

~Earning NPs~
~How to earn 5000 NP a day
~Get NPs w/o playing games
Chatboard Avatars
Cooking Pot
Other Tips
~Game tips
Ice Cream Factory
Illusen's Quest
Jhudora's Quest
Math's Nightmare

Neopet Links

Coltzan's Shrine
Fruit Machine
Giant Jelly
Healing Springs
Hidden Tower
Island Mystic
Lab Ray
Monthly Freebies
Slorg NPs
Symol Hole
Test Your Strength
Underwater Fishing
Wheel of Excitement
Wheel of Knowledge
Wheel of Mediocrity
Wheel of Misfortune
Wheel of Monotony