Advice Page

Yet again here is another advice e-mail that were picking to show you. here goes.Q."Dear ERMS Gazette Team, I like someone in this grade and I can't get the courage to ask them out. By the way, if you tell who sent this, I'll wring your neck. Yours Truly, Anymous"A. kevin- well first if your a shy person, this is going to be hard. if not great!!you've got to pull the triple f.1. find 2.follow 3. flirt. I've been rejected several times, and personally i think sometimes people misunderstand if the person you like, you know, talks to you and stuff, sometimes they see you as a friend and not somebody who would go out with you. It sucks yes, but we can't change it.I would say ask somebody to ask him/her for you and then hide in the bathroom untill they get back. All you can do is hope for the best. I'll have Tuck put what he thinks to and maybe even JP. (p.s. ladies im single. [hint,hint]) Here is our first reply to our advice page.___"Dear Erms Gazette team. I have a problem. My friend invited me to go to Skateland Playdaze with her right after school. But, i have a club meeting. What should i do? - your truly, confused.____________ __________A. (KEVIN) I think it depends on what kind of meeting it is. If it doesn't really have any responsibility involved, go with your friend. But if it is something like Student Council or Yearbook. Yours truly, Kevin__________________________ _______________________________________ Hello! This is the ERMS Gazette team, and we are offering our advice. Need help deciding something? Had a fight with your girlfriend/boyfriend? we can Help. Just type advice in the subject box and we'll answer your problem on the web. E-mail us!!

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