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  Caption Contest Hall of Fame - Classic Caption Contests

Outcast Games Caption Contest

Game Maimer

Hosted By: OGN Shadow
Ready for a big 'ole heaping of Caption Contest? Well here you are!
Every week, a new screen shot from a PC, GCN, PS2, or Xbox game will be posted here -- it'll then be up to you to come up with a funny/clever/cruel caption to go along with the picture.

Then just submit your entry here!

Panzer Dragoon Orta is here. It's a decently funny one. Are right, let's rock and roll.

3rd Place:

Woo! Nice shot! We eats tonight! (GG Chrono 4)

2nd Place:

Dragon shaped kite: $120
120 yards of laser string: $500
Air to Air missiles: $5500
Showing your friends you have the "awesomest" kite in the neighborhood: Priceless. (Raze230)

1st Place:

As luminous technology advances and new species come into existence, Smokey finds new, more vicious ways to prevent forest fires. (WillyTheTunaFish)

Honorable Mentions:

Kid: Mommy Mommy, that dragon is dropping diamonds
Mom: Honey, shoot it and get more (ANTZerox1)

Guy who seems still intact: "Dang it, they're packing rail guns!"
Quake Tournament Announcer: "Grey Mage Sam is in the lead."
QTA: "Grey Mage Sam was gibbed by AntNjaaad's rail gun."
QTA: "AntNjaaad is in the lead."(Grey Mage Sam)

Here's a scene of a New York City rush hour in an alternate fantasy dimension. (WALLCRAWLER86)

YEEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW!  Kentucky Fried Dragon tonight! (Ryan266199)

Reporter: So how do these giant forest fires start?

Expert: Well, it can be extreme heat, a small spark near a tree, or a flock of dragons fighting each other over territory. (Andy214)

Person on right-side dragon: That's the last time I equip my dragons with laser breath. (Jwall0312)

Look how how unrealistic that is....the Dragons are breating beams of light! (Dude824)

That's all for the Caption Contest. Follow the White Rabbit, man. Oh, submit to the next one....HERE! Our next picture comes from Doom 3 for the PC.