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<font size="9"><font color=blue> §„Boo„Tawnee„§


Hey People! We hope you enjoy this site as much as we do!! We know it's not much, but we just started, and are new at this! So don't laugh at us, laugh with us, trust us, it's alot funner! So, take a look around, maybe you just might find some info you've always dreamed about!! luv always, Tonya and Sarah aka Tawnee and Boo (hints the name of our website! lol)

*§„Our things we like to do...„§*

Hey People. You have just entered the Realms of our Hell. Enjoy! ::evil laugh:: *waves* Bye Now, hope to see you again, soon, very soon... O.o

A Lil' bit 'o' us Sarah and Tonya are two freaky people you don't wanna mess with! lol. The crazy things they do may either haunt you for the rest of your god-forbidden life, or make you laugh so hard you shit your pants, it seems like you have shits and giggles. Their lives will screw with your head like you ain't never been screwed with before. Sucka please!Sarah's a 16 year old female high school BEOCH who knows how to put shit down in your face haha. She'll either make you laugh you're ass off or bawl ur eyes out. Either way yo heads gun be spinnin bish. Don't wanna be messin with dis shit. ~*~BOO~*~ Now, Tonya is a little bit on the softer side, though she plays like she has shit, people know it's not real. She's a little on the wierd side, but so is Sarah. ~*~Tawnee~*~ Together they are just a LITTLE bit freaky...::evil laugh:: Now don't go judging us unless you know us! Bye NOW! *waves*

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*§„Panda's quiz that we decided to take!„§*

* N sYnC oR bSb: can we say Ewwww!! neither!!!!

* MTV oR VH1: Mtv


* WiNtEr Or FaLl: FALL not summer not winter hehe

* HoT oR cOld: Make it Hot

* DarK oR lIgHt: PURE Dark

* BoXeRs Or BrIeFs: boxers DEFINATELY!

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ YOUR CRUSH AND SEX *?'s* ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

*Have you ever kissed a guy or girl? guy for both of us!

*How many? too many to count

*Who was the best? Wouldn't YOU like to know!!

*The worst? Sarah:Matt G. Tonya:I dun't wanna say, cuz that would be being mean!!

*Who was the first? French kiss: Sarah:Vince Tonya:Matt Peck:around kindergarten name is n/a

*The last? Sarah:Brett Tonya:Brian

*How long has it been since you've done it? S:too long want moooore!T: Last night

*Boyfriend/girlfriend?: Sarah:SINGLE!!! Tonya:Brian

*Do u love them?: T:love as in close but not attatched

*How long have u been together?: Sarah: umm... Tonya: I don't count

*Who ask who out?: Guy asked Girl(ALWAYS)

*Do u care about them?: nope, not at OF COURSE!

*Would u do anything for them? Oh yeah, you don't know the half of it lol jk

*Do u fancy/have the hots for anyone? doesn't everyone?

*If so who? sarah:ummm people i can't say...Tonya: that is for me to know and you not to

*If not why? uhh.....

*How long have u LIKED them? long enough

*Do they know u LIKE them? of course

*If they don't, do u want them too? ummm...

*Do they LIKE u too? of course who wouldn't like us?

*Have u ever been in love? never in love, just love..for now...

*Longest relationship? Sarah:4 months and six days Tonya:1 year

*Who was your crush/bf or gf in:.....

1st Grade~ S:Andy G. T:Shane P.

2nd Grade~ S:Danny T:Zach

3rd Grade~ S:? T:?

4th Grade~ S:Andy T:Josh and Brady's Brother and John Seothout

5th Grade~ S:Andy T:Marty Furmanski and Mike Helmers

6th Grade~ S:Last year of Andy T:Noel Velasquez

7th Grade~ S:Wayne T:Jimmy Linhart and Matt Noesen

8th Grade~ S:Vince and Ben T: Matt Abelein and Josh Cummins

9th Grade~ S:Brandon, Andrew, Chuck, Jason, Mike, and Chris T:Matt Abelein, Curtis Tate, Matt Noesen, Brent Pentecost, David Poynter, Daniel Poynter, and Nathan Hazuka

10th Grade~ S:Brandon, Brent, Ben, Andy, Andy sumone else, Vince, and JON haha. *melt* T:Nathan Hazuka, John Tramdachs, Beau Sorensen, Jon Shupe, Brett Vaida, Alex Diimig, Brian Blake

11th - S:Andy W., Ricky Hernandez, Wren, Lance Ferguson, Brett Vaida. T:Brian Blake

12th Grade~ - n/a

*What would ur dream boyfriend/ girlfriend be like? S:Looks: Nice jawbone...Strong but not too muscly. Can't have no neck or anything but has to have VERY nice arms. Eyes have to be able to look into for long periods of time. They have to have at least a little bit of tan (even tho i'm basically white) and they have to be good at sexual stuff =)Sarah likes...:) T:somewhat attractive, great smile, nice, flashy/catchy eyes! good arms, not too skinny not to fat! they gotta have sum meat! whoa baby! hehe

*Personality?: S: They have to treat me like a girl should be treated. They can't hit me or cuss at me or any stupid things like that. They can't be all about the sexual stuff but not all about romance either. They have to know what to do and when. Also, they have to be able to cuddle when i want and not only do what they want!! :-D Perfect guy right there baby!! wOOt wOOt. T: I agree with sarah on that one!

*What do u like people that u hang out with to be like? S:They have a personality and are able to joke around without having to be serious all the time. (Sense of humor)They have to be able to listen at times but other times talk bc i can't always be the talker or the listener. They also have to know how to keep secrets good. T: I agree with sarah on that one again! (we're soul sisters, can't you tell?)

*Personality: S: Umm read up there to find that one out!! T: YEAH! DUH!

*What do u hate in people?: S: Liars. Plain and simple. People who are stuck up bitches. Two faced people. People who think they are at the top of the world and everyone is under then. Anyone who thinks that other people are racist when it's actually them. People who think that others are wierd without getting to know them first. And also people who make fun of others (even if it's just cuz they are talking to themselves Lol). T:Well, I agree with sarah up there Also... we agree with my friend, David(Panda), which this is what he put::::--->dishonesty, afraid to be who you are, mean people in general, people who judge before getting to know a person, Preps, people that use people, women that think they are better then everyone and deserve everything in life, blacks that think they are better then whites, and constantly refer to whites as racist where as he/she is much more racist then that white, or most whites for that matter..

Our Web Sites

Sarah's Website
Tonya's Spiffy Siteness

Free Open Diary!

Sarah's Journal
Tonya's Lyfe in Wurds