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Faerie Queen Castle - Hidden Tower

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user : srsbo
pet : oOThe_Great_OneOo
NP : 188,137

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Faerie Queen Castle - Hidden Tower

The Hidden Tower

An invisible tower in the Queen Faeries tower has been home for hundreds of years to the most powerful items in Neopia. She is now selling them to raise money for Faerieland... can you afford the price???

NOTE - Please only click on these items if you wish to make a purchase!!!

No, I dont do loans!!!

One of the items used to banish the malevolent spectre Eliv Thade!

Amulet of Thilg
Cost : 8,500,000 NP

Dont ask... :)

Cost : 8,000,000 NP

Unleash the power of raw vegetables!

Asparagus Dagger
Cost : 2,300,000 NP

Turn your Neopet into a cute little baby with one use of this magical paintbrush!

Baby Paint Brush
Cost : 600,000 NP

Tick tick tick tick... BOOM!

Bagguss Bomb
Cost : 1,750,000 NP

Scoop it up and throw it at your opponent.  You may want to wash your hands after each battle!

Battle Dung
Cost : 5,000,000 NP

The gold in this bracelet alone must be worth over three million Neopoints.

Bracelet of Kings
Cost : 3,500,000 NP

Fires high projectile sprouts at any opponent.  Comes with a never ending supply of ammunition!

Cardboard Sprout Cannon
Cost : 3,960,000 NP

Cybunnies believe that this blade once belonged to the mighty Warrior Cylex, and was used in the battle of the Third Moon.

Cost : 8,000,000 NP

These Paint Brushes were found in Lord Darigans floating citadel!

Darigan Paint Brush
Cost : 1,400,000 NP

When this Kiko toy was created, something bizarre happened.  It has the power to suck up and deflect ANY water attacks thrown against you!

Enchanted Kiko Squeeze Toy
Cost : 544,500 NP

No matter how many bites you take out of this apple, it will never get any smaller.

Everlasting Apple
Cost : 990,000 NP

Faerie Fog is used to stop those prying using a crystal ball...

Faerie Fog
Cost : 3,500,000 NP

Wow, the Faerie Queen Doll is SO pretty, and her eyes glow when you squeeze her!

Faerie Queen Doll
Cost : 2,000,000 NP

Although they are fake they seem to be brimming with rather evil magic.  I would watch out if I were you!  (they break after awhile)

Fake von Roo Fangs
Cost : 2,300,000 NP

A magical blend of fire and ice that will leave your opponents trembling in fear.

Fire and Ice Blade
Cost : 2,000,000 NP

Fyora, the Queen of all Faeries, has ruled over Faerieland for as long as anybody can remember.

Fyora the Faerie Queen (TCG)
Cost : 1,000,000 NP

Guaranteed to scare the living daylights out of your opponent!

Cost : 7,500,000 NP

Your last line of defence in the world of the paranormal!

Cost : 8,000,000 NP

Once wielded by the mighty scary pet, SUNSHINE MONK!

Cost : 13,000,000 NP

You can almost feel the thade emanating from this ancient tome...

Grimoire of Thade
Cost : 5,000,000 NP

This noxious blade was forged by the evil Warlock Hubrid Nox many centuries ago.  He designed it to defeat Lupes in Battle!

Hubrids Noxious Blade
Cost : 4,500,000 NP

Press a few buttons, flick a few switches... and maybe something will happen!

Hubrids Puzzle Box
Cost : 11,000,000 NP

This rare gem can restore your pet to full, but it can only be used once per battle.  Limited Use.  Only one healing item can be equipped to your pet!

Ice Scorchstone
Cost : 3,000,000 NP

Eww this plushie even FEELS sticky and slimy!

Jelly Chia Plushie
Cost : 1,500,000 NP

Fyora was very reluctant to put this doll in the Hidden Tower

Jhudora the Dark Faerie Doll
Cost : 1,500,000 NP

This ring may never come off your finger!

Jhudoras Bewitched Ring
Cost : 11,000,000 NP

This magical crystal ball will allow you to find out what your opponent is using in a battledome fight!  Only works in 2 player battles however.

Jhudoras Crystal Ball
Cost : 3,000,000 NP

This slingshot magically creates its own ammunition.  I hope Timmy doesnt want it back any time soon!

Little Timmys Slingshot
Cost : 2,970,000 NP

Fyora must really love these to charge so much for them!

Lord Darigan Plushie
Cost : 2,500,000 NP

A legendary death mask found in Coltzans tomb, it is rumoured to have strong defensive powers.

Mask of Coltzan
Cost : 3,700,000 NP

Snot can make an interesting form of defence in the Battledome!

Meuka Snot Gloves
Cost : 4,350,000 NP

This long fetid column of snot came out of Meukas nose... ewwww!

Meukas Snot Trail
Cost : 6,500,000 NP

This handy portable kiln will help bake your enemies in seconds!

Portable Kiln
Cost : 3,158,000 NP

Give your opponent a right royal radishing!!!

Radish Bow
Cost : 2,000,000 NP

Wow, what pretty colours... I wonder what it does?

Rainbow Swirly Thing
Cost : 3,653,000 NP

The irresistable force of this magical crossbow cannot be stopped, apart from by an immovable object.

Regulation Meridell Crossbow
Cost : 9,000,000 NP

This shield will grant you extreme pion troect in times of need!

Shield of Pion Troect
Cost : 6,000,000 NP

Sprinkle a few flakes on your opponent and they may get an unpleasant surprise!

Slorg Flakes
Cost : 750,000 NP


Slumberberry Potion
Cost : 9,500,000 NP

Awww sweet, she even shivers and shakes when you press a button on her back.

Snow Faerie Doll
Cost : 750,000 NP

This strange machine will create many snowballs of every type for you to use in battle!

Snowball Machine
Cost : 2,079,000 NP

This shield will keep your spirits up no matter what your opponent throws at you!

Sunshine Shield
Cost : 800,000 NP

Just the trick to put a pesky menacing undead monster out of its misery!

Sword of Skardsen
Cost : 11,000,000 NP

The U-Bend of Justice will reflect between 80% and 100% of water-based attacks to an opponent, for great justice! You can only equip one of these.

U-Bend of Great Justice
Cost : 1,732,500 NP

Tired of using that old Chia Bubble Gun... why not upgrade to something a little better :)

Ultra Bubble Gun
Cost : 7,000,000 NP

Somewhere in Neopia is a very angry Werelupe with two missing claws.

Werelupe Claw
Cost : 8,000,000 NP

Smack your opponent from afar with this deadly toy.  Then show off a couple of tricks and smack them again!

Yoyo of Death
Cost : 8,000,000 NP


Seasonal Battle Duck
Cost: 20,000,000Help!!!

Cost: Unknown NP

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user : srsbo
pet : lil__dino__13
NP : 23,204,551

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New Event! Mail from jdogrocks222
(I made my move, sorry I took so long, wa...) (show all)


136 / 136
Power 90%
0 / 187
Power 90%

oOThe_Great_OneOoOn the last move...Santa406
You tear at Santa406 with the Werelupe Claws

You launch your Ghostkerbomb at Santa406!

You attack Santa406 like berserk!

0 hp
268 hp

Quoth Santa406:
XP im gonna get u one of these days, as soon as I get meh hh...

You have beaten Santa406!
You have won this fight!

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are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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user : srsbo
pet : oOThe_Great_OneOo
NP : 23,204,551

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136 / 136
Power 30%
0 / 184
Power 10%

oOThe_Great_OneOoOn the last move...Swift__47501
You tear at Swift__47501 with the Werelupe Claws

You look into Everlasting Crystal Apple... and you see Florbix Blaster, Battle Duck, Shadow Shield, Scarab Stone Slingshot.

Swift__47501 slimes you with a shot from their Florbix Blaster!

Swift__47501 blasts you with a stream of water from their Battle Duck!!!

Swift__47501 fiercely attacks you!

You defend yourself against Swift__47501's physical attack by Burrowing into the ground!
(30 hp)oOThe_Great_OneOo heals!
0 hp
74 hp

You have beaten Swift__47501!
You have won this fight!

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are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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Island Trading Post
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user : srsbo
pet : lil__dino__13
NP : 23,204,551

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Island Trading Post

Help | Trading Post Main | Browse Lots | Offers You Have Made | Your Items

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Newest 20

Lot 95446895: | Owned by srsbo

Give your opponent a little seasonal cheer as you pound them into oblivion! Seasonal Attack Pea
Give your opponent a little seasonal cheer as you pound them into oblivion! Seasonal Attack Pea
This is the magical wand of the Dark Faerie. Only creatures of evil may command the wand. Wand Of The Dark Faerie
This is the magical wand of the Dark Faerie. Only creatures of evil may command the wand. Wand Of The Dark Faerie
oOThe_Great_OneOo is the only pet that can control this powerful weapon!!! Darigan Sword Of Death
....1337 Prismatic Mirror
A rod of purest evil, this black artifact will drain life from an opponent, immolate them with flames, and create three Dark Novas. Rod Of Dark Nova
This claw was the last of the Monoceraptor that was found after his fall. It is said to be his most powerful part, but what can it really do? Monoceraptors Claw
This is Illusens ultimate weapon. She only allows her most worthy friends to use it. Illusens Staff
What The... .. . Ultra Attack Chive Of Death

srsbo's Wishlist: Just Some Of My Powerful Weapons... :D

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are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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user : srsbo
pet : lil__dino__13
NP : 11,803,996

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136 / 136
Power 80%
80 / 80
Power 10%

oOThe_Great_OneOoOn the last move...Merlinfox

Merlinfox throws a Darknova into the air, bathing you with dark light.

Merlinfox raises their Rod of Dark Nova and creates three sparkling Dark Novas. Merlinfox looks healthier!
Merlinfox puts you on ice with Diamond Dust!
You look into Everlasting Crystal Apple... and you see Dark Nova, Dark Nova, Dark Nova, Dark Nova, Dark Nova, Dark Nova, Dark Nova, Dark Nova, Dark Nova, Dark Nova.
You freeze Merlinfox with your Fiery Gaze!

You defend yourself against Merlinfox's fire attack with Thyoras Tear!
Merlinfox heals!(62 hp)
(30 hp)oOThe_Great_OneOo heals!
0 hp
0 hp

Equipment (select up to two)

Strong in attack, and with the power to nearly completely block attacking earth magic, the Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie has been locked in the Hidden Tower for centuries.
Greater Staff Of The Earth Faerie
Give your opponent a little seasonal cheer as you pound them into oblivion!
Seasonal Attack Pea
A beautiful swirling wonder that is full of surprises. You can only have one healing item equipped to a pet!
Everlasting Crystal Apple
This claw was the last of the Monoceraptor that was found after his fall. It is said to be his most powerful part, but what can it really do?
Monoceraptors Claw
A rod of purest evil, this black artifact will drain life from an opponent, immolate them with flames, and create three Dark Novas.
Rod Of Dark Nova
This is the magical wand of the Dark Faerie. Only creatures of evil may command the wand.
Wand Of The Dark Faerie

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are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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Use of this site signifies your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

Pet Central Create a Pet Neomail World Explore Chat Games Shops News Help Login Logout

user : srsbo
pet : oOThe_Great_OneOo
NP : ,999,999,999,999,999

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Lil D
136 / 136
Power 100%
0 / 105
Power 60%

Lil Demon the Halloween Doglefox appears to help you for your next move!
You can select Lil Demon from the ability dropdown

DariganKougraBattlingKingOn the last move...LilEvilDevil
You tear the shyt out of LilEvilDevil with the Werelupe Claws

You launch your Ghostkerbomb at LilEvilDevil!

You attack LilEvilDevil like your about to murder the shyt out of him!

0 hp
208 hp

Quoth LilEvilDevil:
Gah... I'm not sure why I even try. At least I don't withdraw. ^_^'

You have beaten LilEvilDevil!
You have won this fight!

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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