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Family Updates & Pictures

From ME:

Just a little update from me, the countdown is on I have 39 days left until my last day here at Nextel. And 49 days left until I start school. I am finding out that Financial Aid is going to be a lot harder to come buy then I thought it would be, but hey life wouldn't be interesting with out all the speedbumps. I started working a second job for some supplemental income. I am working security for a bar in downtown, it was my second home anyway so I figured that I might as well make money working there since I was there soo much. Any well hope all is well with all.

From Debbie:

I sure wish we could all be closer in miles than we are. When my ex and I moved out of CO & started a family, I tried so many ways to start new family traditions, but they were never the same as those traditions I treasured as a child--I still miss those wonderful family holiday gatherings and picnics. I cry every time I watch the video Dad made of all of those old reel-to-reel flims with that dinosaur camera that required a light behind it. :) Remember Christmas Eve at Grandma Stanley's when we left at the end of the evening, we would stand on the porch, and Dad would say "Do you hear it--Santa's sleigh?" We would all look up in the sky, anxious to get home and go to bed in our new pj's that we got every year. You were slick Dad--getting us out of your hair at the end of the day, so you would still get some sleep before Christmas morning came!

From Ruthie:

Hi! My lucky day, to hear from Joyce, Kathy and Neal! Nice to hear all the news. And never fear, Lorri, I heard about you, too! ('~') Joyce, sorry you have that bad cold - they probably will not want to do the dental surgery on you Wed. - better call in on Tuesday - you would be even sicker if they did it, though, so just as well wait unless you're feeling better. You didn't mention your "intended" but I hope he is okay. We'd still like to meet him, and I have a little momento from Belgium for you. Kathy, thanks for the photos! They're so good. What a big job to move (for you and helpers!) and I imagine your new house will feel more warm and homey after you break it in and build a few memories with Phoenix there. And Neal, congrat's. on your return to school! Sounds like a great field to go into, cars get more and more complicated as they add computer systems, etc. ACC is kind of a "user friendly" school, lots of adult education, etc. and I hope you will like it. I've been down there a lot but mostly for water aerobics, etc., fun stuff. It sure was nice to hear from you. I sure hope Lorri is okay and stays that way! Her numbing and irregular heartbeat experience must have been a real scare, did the Dr's. have any ideas or suggestions? Jeff has been in a new job for about 7 weeks now, he really "stepped into it"! Ha! He was working at Starbucks at the Great Indoors near Park Meadows, and had helped different employees with their computer problems just on a friendly basis - so, when their computer expert quit - the manager of the Great Indoors stopped by and told Jeff he wanted to talk to him; Jeff said something jokingly like "what did I do?" but the guy said he wanted to talk to him about a computer job. Jeff interviewed with him, and the manager of the store at Flatirons Crossing in Broomfield, too. They hired him as their "technical support" person, and his job is to keep all their computers, cash registers, etc. running. He alternates between the stores. He has had some big headaches, and every problem he runs into is a new one to him! He has taken classes in this field at ACC, so they paid off, and they have told him they might send him to Chicago for some training; someone is coming in on Tues. (tomorrow) to teach him about telephones for 1/2 day. He feels very lucky to get the job, but also a little overwhelmed. I had bladder surgery 7 weeks ago. What repairs he did with the hystorectomy 18 months ago didn't last long, so this was more extensive - also a slower recovery, and I've just laid low, been just plain tired. I saw the Dr. last week for the 6 wk checkup and I'm doing fine, he said just to watch the lifting and I've tried to be really careful. Of course we all know it could be so much worse. We're going to Pagosa Springs tomorrow and come back Sat. Someone offered us the use of their time share condo, couldn't pass that up! Don't know what is up there to do, but I'm sure it will be pretty. Love, Ruthy

From Beth:

It was good to hear from you. Good for you, for the choice you are making to go to school. It will be worth it down the road. I don't get to my email very often. It sometimes takes me awhile. I will try to check every couple of days. We are doing good, having a quiet summer. Sea World trips and our local YMCA pool and a visit to the beach seem to be our excitement. The boys have about 4 weeks until school starts. I can't wait!!! The big guys are doing good, working hard. Nick just bought a car... not sure what king, blue, I do know that. I will check out the website. Gotta run, the boys are trying to get showers out of the way and don't seem to be motivated without me. Love ya Beth

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