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The Mistress Of The Boys

The Shameless Shrine to ME!!!


My Main Anime Homepage
My Fushigi Yugi Page
Craig Bush Photography

Please Note: This page will no longer be updated.
Please refer to my new and much less cluttered page.

NAME: Ask me maybe i'll tell you
AGE: 21
BIRTHDAY:August 17, 1982
PETS: Two Maltese dogs, Chibiusa and Ani Tenshi. And
a brand new black baby poodle named Mia.
LIKES AND HOBBIES: Anime, Model Kits, Art, Music, Swordfighting,
Sailing, Wind Surf, Woodworking, Metalworking, Videogames,
Computers, Gothic Style of dress.
DISLIKES: Meat, People that can't hold intelligent
MUSIC: Velvet Acid Christ, Wumpscut, KFMFD/MDFMK,
Rammstein, Pop Will Eat Itself, Divinity Destroyed,
Type-O, Fear Factory, Apoptygma Berserk,
Lots of anime soundtracks,Malice Mizer and Gackt^_^
I'm going to put up a site of Malice Mizer and Gackt pics.
ANIME: Really to many to list but here is a short one:
Detonator Orgun, Sailor Moon, Fake, Gundam, Fushigi Yugi,
Ayashi No Ceres, Sohryuden, Trigun, Transformers,
Thundercats, Voltron, Rainbow Brite, Digimon. Ask me about more.
VIDEOGAMES: Megaman, Crayon, Go Go Ackman, Strider,
Battle Arena Toshinden, Parappa The Rapper, Umm Jammer Lammy,
Any Final Fantasy, Parodius, Macross, Ninja Gaiden,
Bucky O'Hare, Legend of Kage, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!
Must i go on? Feel free to ask me about more.
ART: Drawing, Photography, Painting, Japanese Caligraphy.
I am a published poet. I will be more
then happy to furnish poems for those interested.

If all this interests you, please feel free to get a
hold of me and chat. I love to talk and make new friends.
Well besides my stats since your here i'll show you some pictures of me.
I've got quite a few and i'm always adding more,
I really hope that maybe i can be a pro model one day.

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Update- August 28, 2002
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Meet Chibiusa
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