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My Workpage For People Around The World

Hi and thank you for visiting my web page for poetry. My name is Sarah and would like for your stay here pleasant. I will tell you why I built this page. What is this page for? Since I make poetry I wanted a way to put it up. The only way to do it would be making my own page. Since other people aren't that sure on how to make web pages I wanted them to be able to put their own work up without having to worry about how to do a page. I hope this will become a better page soon, thanks for visting!


  • If you have any poetry please e-mail me! Poems must be in complete form (if you aren't sure about the punctuation let me know and I will do the best I can about it). My e-mail is at the bottom of the page.
  • All of the work is copywritten by the owner, so please don't print or mess with the work without permission.

Thanx for coming here to look at the poetry of others! Please help this grow!

My Poetry | Poems Sent In | What's New?
Links and Web Rings | My First award!
Mother Earth | Short Stories


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