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Hollow Hills

Ancient earth works, forts and barrows are the traditional home of faeries.
The Gaelic for faery is Sidhe (shee) meaning people of the hills. At night faery hills
are often seen ablaze with myriad or sparkling lights.

It is definately not recommended that faery hills be invaded by trespassers, but there
is nothing to be said against discreet observation, and a friendly watcher may be
rewarded. If, however, the faeries seem reluctant to emerge from the hill, the
entrance may be discovered by walking nine times around the hill at full moon.
The entry way will then be revealed.

Besides being used for living in, the hollow hills are hiding places for gold, and are often
used as faery burial places. The legendary King Arthur is believed to be buried in one
on the faery island of Avalon.
