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#001 Bulbasaur-one of the first you can get

#002 Ivysaur-Bulbasaur evolution

#003 Venusaur- third stage, Ivysaur evoultion

#004 Charmander- one of the first you can get

#005 Charmeleon- Charamander Evoultion

#006 Charizard- Third stage, also become a flying type.

#007 Squirtle- one of the first you can get

#008 Wartortle- Squrtile Evolution

#009 Blastoise- Thrid stage Wartortle evoultion

#010 Caterpie- more common in the blue version

#011 Metapod- wild Metapod have only one move- HARDEN

#012 Butterfree- weak but learns so-so moves

#013 Weedle- more common in red version

#014 Kakuna- Wild Kakuna have only one move, HARDEN

#015 Beedrill-Learns the best bug moves

#016 Pidgey- common everywhere

#017 Pidgeotto- Learns Mirror Move?

#018 Pidgeot- Weak.....

#019 Rattata- Very Common

#020 Raticate- Super Fang is sweet

#021 Spearow- Slightly less common than pidgey

#022 Fearow- Nice bird

#023 Ekans- only in red

#024 Arbok- Dodn't learn Super Fang or Hyper Fang (?)

#025 Pikachu-Stinkachu

#026 Raichu- Jolteon is better

#027 Sandshrew- only in blue

#028 Sandslash- not to popular

#029 Nidoran (FEMALE)-more common in blue (evolved nidoran female)

#030 Nidorina Found in safari zone

#031 Nidoqueen- Evolved by a moon stone

#032 Nidoran (MALE)- more common in red

#033 Nidorino- found in safarizone (evolved Nidoran male)

#034 Nidoking- Toxic!

#035 Clefairy- Hard to find

#036 Clefable-weak, hope your lucky when usuing Metronome!

#037 Vulpix- Only in blue

#038 Ninetails-Evolved Vulpix (use Fire stone)

#039 Jigglypuff-sing never seems to work

#040 Wigglytuff- found in unkown dungeon/ evolved with moon stone (in red)

#041 Zubat- found in caves

#042 Golbat- not seen often0

#043 Oddish- only in red

#044 Gloom- can be found in the wild

#045 Vileplume- Weak.....

#046 Paras- found in a few places, mostly caves.....

#047 Parasect- Strong. Teach Spored!!!!

#048 Venonat- common in red

#049 Venomoth-can be found in wild

#050 Diglett- find in Diglett's cave

#051 Dugtrio- Also Found in diglett's cave, Evolved from Diglett

#052 Meowth- only in blue

#053 Persian- Kinda weak....

#054 Psyduck- more common in blue

#055 Golduck- CAN be found in the wild

#056 Mankey-in red

#057 Primeape- Agressive little dude.....

#058 Growlithe- only in red!

#059 Arcanine-only in red, Evolved from fire stone

#060 Poliwag-in water

#061 Poliwhirl-evolved form of Poliwhirl

#062 Poliwrath- Evolved from water stone!

#063 Abra-uncommon, HARD TO CATCH!

#064 Kadabra- evolved from Abra

#065 Alakazam- Evolved from kadabra when it is traded

#066 Machop-common in caves

#067 Machoke- stronger....

#068 Machamp- BEST ATTACK IN GAME!!!

#069 Bellsprout- only in blue...

#070 Weepinbell- evolved from Bellsprout

#071 Victreebell- Evolved from Weepinbell

#072 Tentacool- Find while Surfinf

#073 Tentacruel- Not seen in wild

#074 Geodude- in gaves

#075 Graveler- Learns Explosin

#076 Golem- EATHQUAKE

#077 Ponyta- Only in Cinnabar

#078 Rapidash- fast Horse pokemon

#079 Slowpoke- Slowwwwwwww.......

#080 Slowbro- better, but SSSSSLLLLLLOOOOWWWW......

#081 Magnemite- Look in the power plant

#082 Magneton- Found in a few places

#083 Farfetch'd- Got when you trade a spearow somewhere.....

#084 Doduo- Two headed bird

#085 Dodrio- Three Headed Bird, Evolved from Dodou!

#086 Seel- Common in water Areas

#087 Dewgong- Ok... I guess

#088 Grimer- Evolve to make it stonger, DUH

#089 Muk- Poison sludge, by hero!

#090 Shellder- Evolve it!

#091 Cloyster- Defense man

#092 Gastly- Common

#093 Haunter- Learns Hypnosis

#094 Gengar- Poisen acully Make him WEAK against Psychic-m Trade to Get it

#095 Onix- nice defense

#096 Drowzee- Teach it dream eater

#097 Hypno- Sleepy?

#098 Krabby- Common in water

#099 Kingler- Can be taught 3 Hms

#100 Voltorb-common, so evolve it

#101 Electrode- SELFDESTUCT!!!

#102 Exeggcute- Evolve it

#103 Exeggutor- nice special

#104 Cubone- uncommon

#105 Marowak- Bonemerang is nice

#106 Hitmonlee- He'll Kick your butt

#107 Hitmonchan- Nice punch moves

#108 Lickitung- Trade for a slowbro, somewhere......

#109 Koffing- common on Cinnabar Island

#110 Weezing- Poisen type, not used much

#111 Rhyhorn- Evolve it!!!

#112 Rhydon- Defense Man

#113 Chansey- Softboiled is nice

#114 Tangela- REALLY UNCOMMON. Found only in one spot. Not popular at all, but so-so defense

#115 Kangaskhan- Some people like, some don't

#116 Horsea- Look around for it in water

#117 Seadra- I don't know... Not really common

#118 Goldeen- Ignore the piece of crap

#119 Seaking- weak weak weak

#120 Staryu- evolve it

#121 Starmie- good special, speed

#122 Mr. Mime- Weird name, Nice Defense Moves.

#123 Scyther- Safari Zone, Red Version

#124 Jynx- Trade for a poliwhrle

#125 Electabuzz- In red only

#126 Magmar- In blue version, Electabuzz is better.

#127 Pinsir-in blue version, Safari Zone

#128 Tauros- HARD TO FIND, Safari Zone

#129 Magikarp- Looks weak, intill Level 20...

#130 Gyarados- HUGE beast

#131 Lapras- nice water pokemon

#132 Ditto- transorms into the defending pokemon

#133 Eevee- Evolve with a fire, water, or thunder stone.

#134 Vaporeon- Teach it Blizzard, Keep HYDROPUMP!

#135 Jolteon- one of the best thunder pokemon

#136 Flareon- Fire Pokemon,Evoilved with fire stone, Nintendo dosn't seem to acknoledge how high it's attack is. #310+!!!! (mine is 334!)teach it BODYSLAM!!!

#137 Porygon- Weakling

#138 Omanyte- choose Helix fossil

#139 Omastar- I prefer Kabutops

#140 Kabuto- It looks weird- choose Dome fossil

#141 Kabutops- Has mean Slahers

#142 Aerodactyl- Old amber is what you need to resurrect it.

#143 Snorlax- found twice

#144 Articuno- Seafoam Islands

#145 Zapdos- Power plant

#146 Moltres- in Victory road

#147 Dratini- Found in Safarizone

#148 Dragonair- Dragon pokemon

#149 Dragonite- It takes FOREVEr to get Dragonair to evolve!

#150 Mewtwo- Overgrown Powerhouse. Was an experiment.

#151 Mew- Can be taught any Tm or Hm


#133 Eevee