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The Mortals

Natalie Lambert

Dr. Natalie Lambert - Nat to her friends.
The Cororner who is aware of Nick's
dark secret and is trying to return
Nick to mortality through science. Over the
run of the series her "purely scientific"
interest in Nick became quite a bit more personal.

Don Schanke

Detective Donald Schanke - "Doughnut" Don to
some of his friends, Schanke to most everybody.
Though he was Nick's partner and friend
throughout the first and second season he
never became aware of Nick's true nature
though he did come very close in "Close Call".

Tracy Vetter

Detective Tracy Vetter - "Button"
to a very few old friends.
Though she was aware of the vampire
community through Javier Vachon, Nick never told
Tracy that he was a vampire too.

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