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Hi, I am 32 years old, brown hair, blue eyes, cute! Living in Omaha, NE USA. Yes, I'd rather be on the West Coast! I was drugged 5 years ago and remember something painfully put in my sinus. Now I am hearing demands for money and experience pain and sickness and sleep deprivation from somekind of EM and RF pulses. I have found ample proof of these devices on Internet(Mind Control Implants).I know who is responsible, Marty Buss 2413 C ST or 2204 Jackson ST Omaha or Bellevue,NE respectively phone # 402-291-0580. I am tortured like an animal day and night This is going to kill me-He is depriving me of sleep for over a year and subjecting me to radiation-Can't some law enforcement or Sean, Tim, or Mike do something? I don't deserve to live less than an animal.... Raymond Whitbeck 112th & Vane Plaza Omaha was given a transmitter-I have been burned day and night and went straight down-live less than an animal-take it away from him- leaves pulses on for EXTENDED periods-get drunk and picks fights so he can "teach" me respect-what a JOKE!!! Law enforcement is worthless for this SUBHUMAN atrocity. Can't some LAW ENFORCEMENT official TALK to these people so I can live a human life? Court Dates were missed because of sleep deprivation and EXTENDED RF pulses...Marty said that he couldn't risk me saying something to the Judge-how stupid!!!04/15/01 I cannot survive not sleeping day and night because of their DRUG BINGES-I do not deserve to live less than an animal-Please stop this or give them PISS TESTS-My life depends on their DRUG BINGES abusing the EQUIPMENT-PLEASE.Please do not pay Marty Buss..... 5-13-01 Marty Buss is using CRANK-methamphetamine and dealing it-he has kept me awake for 72 hours-PLEASE HELP he is abusing the equipment AGAIN. I cannot go on with this. 07/02/01 Now they have progressed to giving me severe pain in the left side of my head. I don't know what to do except drink CROWN ROYAL whisky. It makes me cry while he plays. My relatives must be animals-I hope I die. This once was the United States, until the Nazi pigs took over. Thanks for helping me pig relatives. My blood is on your hands. Marty and Raymond have begged me to commit suicide , but I can't. 07/06/01 Through repeated lack of food and sleep, Hepatitus C flared up. He even makes me bite my tongue. When is someone going to intervene? He took the last of my Mother's life-are you going to let him do the same to me? Also stated that he has to get rid of me because I saw too much of his livlihood and that I can't prove it. When is someone going to look in on this? 07/15/01 Now Marty is making me sick or applying pain and threatening me to to drink or go to the bar. Thinks he can cause me to die of Hepatitus C. Stupid games like making me sick if I drink tea. Threatened me to not pay health insurance. Makes me so sick that I screw up with drugs again. I was clean until he started making me sick so I couldn't eat. Making me sick or applying pain threatening me to get a certain sexual fetish checked out-also threatening me that he will take my life away if I don't-please remove offer. Quit alcohol-then he said "Either drink or I will take your life with the equipment". He is very sick on his drugs and I need help. How can I stay alive without eating and sleeping? I wrote to every law enforcement agency fed and state. Why didn't they stop this? You should hear him-If I blame him for making my Mother sick with my suicide attempt, then he makes me sick out of anger. Tells me to take a shower, then if I take a bath, makes me sick. Tells me if I don't cook my food then I won't eat at all. 4 days 1 meal-he loses track of time on his drugs Are any of you human? Threatening me that he won't let me work-how can I work with little food and sleep and being made sick. I don't care if I'm gay or not-I do not deserve to be treated less than an animal-he is lying and cheating you and says I can't prove it. End this before it ends my life-I cannot cooperate any longer. Favorite Quote-"Live Free or Die!" "If I can't BE me, then I won't BE at all!"

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