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The Nature of Dis-Ease

by Cynthia Danielson-McReynolds
Reiki Master, Rune Master
Spiral Tiger Reiki - Usui Shiki Ryoho
Spiraltiger Custom Stained Glass

(c)Copywrited, 2000.

"A system of medicine which denies or ignores its existence (spirit)
will be incomplete because it leaves out the most fundamental quality
of human existence, the spiritual dimension."
--Richard Gerber, M.D.; author, Vibrational Medicine

We are not bodies with souls, we are Souls with bodies!

A balanced energetic system within and around the body will maintain health. The Nature of Disease is energy imbalance. The Nature of Reiki is energetic balancing.

Dis-ease is everything from cancer, AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses to headaches and depression. Anything that keeps a person from feeling optimistic about life, physically fit, including a healthy love for others and their well-being, is dis-ease. The sources can be as varied as the forms they manifest into. Technically dis-ease means that somewhere, somehow, energy is blocked in or around the body, so it is out of balance. So, some part of us, physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual needs our attention.

When any part of our body becomes unable to maintain the functional balance of that part, be it an organ like a liver,heart, or muscle and bone, the inability means that its deficient in electronic energy. There is a blockage or lack of flow of enough energy for that specific body part to function properly. It won't reproduce cells adequately and then the whole system becomes affected because of the intricate and miraculous balance of the human body.

A body part can also contain too much energy, like a dammed waterway creates a lake. Then the area will either over-react, or completely shut down. Usually over-reacting, and, if left untreated, eventually shutting down. So where there is a shortage of energy in one area, like a bottleneck, there can be an excess of energy elsewhere making symptoms conflict and diagnosis difficult.

"...we begin to understand the human organism as a series of
interacting multidimensional energy fields."
-- Gabriel Cousins, M.D.; author of Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet

Our emotions are one of the largest energy producing centers in our system. Even the medical establishment recognizes that negative, denied, unresolved or repressed emotions can and do get lodged in the body. But not every symptom comes from an emotional imbalance. This is important to realize because becoming obsessed with finding an emotional cause through obsessive self-analysis can become a dis-ease in itself!

Fear and guilt cause people to either attempt to hide the fact that they may be sick. They often deny the symptoms because of some twisted moral issue about illnesses being bad, or even a punishment for some past sin that they actually deserve! Then the majority consensus seems to be to get some type of medication or drug and get rid of the symptoms as quickly as possible without ever acknowledging that there may a source behind the symptoms. So, the illness recurrs, either in the same form or another form in a totally different location. Orthodox medicine treats the symptoms of dis-ease, fulfilling the prevading desire to end the irritation immediately with a pill for the ill, but rarely a desire to look for the root of the problem. Then maybe the symptom, as the source manifests itself one more time, might be serious enough - because of lack of attention to the root problem - that surgery would be recommended. Our bodies are cut open to remove the symptom permanently.

But this is the way most of us were brought up, wasn't it? Self-examination of ourselves for root causes, when it was natural and right for us to do at early age was quickly torn by our peer groups as being weird. And if we persisted in it, we were outcast. Everyone can remember these times when they obeyed their inner spirit, but was shunned by their surroundings. Why wasn't it acceptable behavior to heal ourselves? The answers to these questions can be startling if one looks truthfully.

"One does not kill flies with shotguns, nor manipulate electrons with
hammers; and neither will many human maladies be 'fixable' with our
current shotguns and hammers, our drugs and surgical procedures.
"--Larry Dossey, M.D.; author of Space, Time and Medicine

Personally, I want to keep all my body parts, inside and out. They are there for a reason. An appendix or spleen are things we don't necessarily need to function, but they let us know that something is wrong. Wouldn't it be easier to look for a root cause rather than wait for the symptom to increase from lack of consideration and have an appendectomy? I'd like my appendix there to alert me next time too, but it would be gone, so what will the source cause go to next? It would definately have to make a louder statement.

Cycles of symptoms recurring without relief from the cause. No wonder people are confused. What is so scary to look at that we can't see that the source may be lonliness, or maybe even a bad word we said to another human that caused damage to them. I would think an apology would be better than surgery. Acknowledging that we're all human beings with the whole gamut of experiences and feelings should not be considered so risky that far more extreme measures are preferable.

We need to learn more about disease and open our minds to finding the real sources of all our discomforts, pains, and ailments. We need to cure the whole system -- body, mind, spirit -- in entirety.

Reiki practice avoids treating symptoms endlessly and separately, and instead gives energy to the whole body system, allowing the body to heal itself. I must say that seeking a professional physician is necessary, and I would encourage anyone to do so first and foremost. Reiki works wonderfully with orthodox medicine, and the results have a far greater chance of being a thorough and permanent cure.

"It is important to understand that the type of healing which
these healers share comes from harmony and love. It is a
holism that is not based on the latest far-out diagnostic tool,
or on one or two progressive healing approaches, but from the
perspective of being involved in every aspect of the healing. It
is a simple and whole person multi-leveled energetic approach, rather than
a series of fragmented alernative therapies to which the client is referred."
--Gabriel Cousins, M.D.

No one needs to throw him or herself into wild mysticism and trade in the therapies and religions, which have served mankind beneficially. Instead we need to expand our concept of the human condition from a mechanical anatomical description to the inclusion of our luminous bioenergetic expressions. Here is where -- finally -- mind, matter, and spirit meet and we can begin to accept a complete healing system.

Accupressure and accupuncture are becoming more and more accepted by American citizens every day. You see advertizements next to chiropractor's offices and massage therapists. Accupuncture adheres to the knowledge of the energy flows in the human body. We are an magnetic-electrical system. Our bodies are composed of mostly water, the best conductor of electicity and energy. Some 80,000 of these energy channels have been charted by the ancient Chinese thousands of years ago. I need to repeat that modern physics discovered quite a while ago that all matter is different frequencies of energy. The chakra systems as well as the energy channels marked by the ancient Chinese have been verified by modern scientific equipment. Yet, a large proportion of our population continues to reject Reiki as a possibility. Meanwhile, science is investing millions into research into vibrational medicine, healing with sound, color and energy using harmonics. The scientific community is still stubbornly intent on using machines to create these harmonics - like a note plucked on a harp will make other strings vibrate. It is only a matter of time before they discover that the best tool to heal an ailing human body is another human body who is attuned to the correct frequencies to create the harmonics in the ailing body. This is Reiki.

It is unfortunate that mainstream medicine still acts as if it
believes the Newtonian concepts -- that have been proven to be an
inaccurate model for the last 50 years -- are real.
" -- Gabriel Cousins, M.D.

The problem we have in uniting the two fields of healing -- traditional medicine and energetic systems of healing, of which Reiki is the most efficient by far -- is measureability. Symptoms are measurable -- fever, blood count, etc. The relationship of energetic cause of symptoms is not easily measured at this time, though they have made advances in this area. So, we can surely look at the results and measure those?

I'm not pushing the esoteric, the unseen, the subtle, and the non-traditional to ruffle the feathers and invoke the scorn of the already hypercritical establishment; I am simply, and insistently pressing that the inclusion of energetic systems of healing is long overdue and essential at this time in medical as well as human history. There are new diseases every year, and the medical establishment itself confesses that the old anti-biotics and super drugs are no longer effective. They say it in terms that it is the viruses that have become immune to the traditional drugs, instead of traditional medicine refusing to acknowledge any growth in their healing systems. The exception is engineering more toxic substances with increased serious side effects than ever before. It has become critical that forms of vibrational medicine and healing be acknowledged and implemented.

They still use shock treatments for specific cases of mental illnesses. Doctors use a wide variety of electronic devices for rapid diagnosis and laboratory work for insight into a body's state of health. Biofeedback experiments have shown how a small amount of energy can affect a large area of the body. Put an electrode to a portion of the brain and memories surface. Electronic and electromagnetic fields have to couple for simple cellular metabolism. In short, we, as a soul in a body, cannot function without this animating energy which comes from the Universal Source.

The "Newtonian model of reality", based on two hundred year old concepts, became obsolete with the discoveries in quantum physics. The proof is in their own science that physicians continue to deny. The transition to the "Einsteinian quantum model" is inevitable.

I would encourage anyone receiving medical treatment to also receive Reiki treatments. I would also encourage regular Reiki treatments as a facet of any preventative health system. In fact, I firmly believe that everyone should attain a personal Reiki I attunement for self-treatment on a daily basis -- though I wouldn't push this on anyone. I believe that the occurance of illness would be drastically reduced, life-span expectancy would go up, and a general depreciation of mental illness and depression on a grand scale would be the result if a large proportion of the population were attuned to at least the first level of Reiki.

"Twenty-first century health care will be based upon the subtle

energy principles and interventions involving the mind, body, environmental,
and spiritual dimensions."
--Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D.; UCSF School of Medicine; author of Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer

The beauty of Reiki is that Reiki comes from a Universal source. People attuned to Reiki are not medical doctors usually, though some are, and won't make diagnosis. We enhance the medical establishment rather than threaten it. We do not give specific recommendations of advice for the treatment of particular illnesses. There is no replacement for a good medical diagnosis and treatment. Reiki is an alternative therapy for balancing the energetic system.

There is no healer! The body is intelligent and knows how to heal itself. Reiki practitioners are simply individuals who have chosen to be tools for the energy to be transferred.

In my personal experience I've seen a cyst disappear in a week on a child's foot after doctors insisted that the cyst was permanent and surgery was necessary.

Broken bones (my own and others) mended in a matter of two weeks. My thumb was broken at work and the nail ripped completely out. The bone was mended within 10 days and the nail grew back in a month.

I've seen consistent heart palpitations stop permanently after years of inconsistent rhythm, proof of reduced blood pressure, insomnia stopped for some good deep sleep, and relief from pain of all degrees. I've seen realignment of old broken bones that healed wrong -- with no pain involved.

I had curvature of the spine. Shortly after I hurt my thumb at work, my back seemed to go out while at home and I had more time off work. I was wondering what was wrong! After giving myself Reiki one day, and this is verified by x-rays, I was on the floor and attempted to slide my arm under my back like I always used to. I couldn't do it. My spine was naturally straight for the first time. I grew an inch and a quarter at age 36!

My children are becoming more balanced and aware.

I attuned my daughter's dog to Level I because he was overly aggressive to the point of being viscious. We were afraid we would have to put him down. Now he's a fun-loving affectionate animal with a loud bark.

None of us, my children (who are all attuned to various levels of Reiki) and I, caught the nasty flu that was going around while schools and workplaces emptied.

A friend of mine with lung cancer was in the hospital with pneumonia in his unaffected lung. As he fought for his life and his wife made difficult choices in the probability that he wouldn't make it through the night, my oldest daugher and I held our hands approx. six inches above his chest and let the Reiki flow. The next day, to the amazement of the doctors and his wife, he was sitting up in his so-called deathbed preparing to eat some Jell-O! The doctors said he reacted favorably to the medicine, though no change in medicine was administered to my knowledge. I think he reacted favorably to Reiki and the heartfelt prayers of all his loved ones around him.

A balanced energetic system within and around the body will maintain health.

The Nature of Disease is energy imbalance.

The Nature of Reiki is energetic balancing.

We are not bodies with a soul.

We are Souls with a body.

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