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!¡!†his si†e has møved!¡!

my øld si†e s†ill exis†s - bu† my new øne is exac†ly †he same, just be††er! *grinz* i†'s upda†ed, and has møre s†uff...

basically, †he s†øry gøes like †his: I gø† sick and †ired of angelfire... *smirk* †hey've jus† been ge††ing wørse and wørse. plus, is a hella cøøl server... †hey alsø give you a lø† møre freedøm as far as your si†e goes.... i'd recømend †ha† yøu really knøw wha† you're døing beføre †rying tø crea†e a si†e †here †høugh.

anywayz - †he pøin† is, my si†e has møved. (grin)

if you must, here's my old site....
