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the (Dun Dun DUN!!) Rules

Okay, before I give you the available and taken characters here are the dreaded rules. I'm sure you wil find I'm quite fair.

1. You are allowed one character from the play and two made up characters. This is negociable.
2. You are allowed to be in love, or mates with anyone you want...just make sure they know about it first.
3. You may kiss and so on, but if you are going to get quite detailed...ugh...please take it to private E-mail.
4. Curse words are very bad, but I will allo the words hell, and Damn, but only if you are very angry or it will fit your character at that moment.
5. No one is invinsabe(sp?)...anyway, if you get punched, stabbed, or scratched you are hurt. No one just walks away fine after they've been stabbed. Man and cat are only mortal. Expept maybe, the magical Mr. Mistoffolees.
6. You are allowed to have a magic made up character, but they are not to be undefeatable, it's boaring.
7.Girls play female characters, & guys play male characters, please
8. No postings about your page or RPG. Please:)
There, that wasn't so bad now was it. (Wat my docter says after giving me a shot)

Taken characters for...

RPG #1
*Special RPG*