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I uploaded all data and opened this new NIQUARGE homepage. I also got us a guestbook that can be signed from the home.html page. And, I want to say that I HATE the guy that has this homepage! (/ne/niquarge) That stoopid FUKKER has made it necessary to change ALL the links on ALL the pages.THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Who would fucking name his homepage .... /ne/niquarge? Besides us that is....The homepage sux too!



I made some NIQUARGE animated gifs and put them on the index and links pages, and the NEWS gif. In a few weeks NIQUARGE will return to the rehearsal room and put songs together for the upcoming demo. I have some songs that the guys should listen to so, I already got the basics.



I just came back from a 4 week holiday in New Zealand and was happy to see that some people actually signed our guestbook.THANKS! I haven't called the guys yet, but Guido, Leo, and Arend-Jan already did 2 rehearsals and after listening to my own recordings I really want to start again! Guido and the guys did some thinking and I discussed it with him too, and we're thinking of making me a singer (and sometimes singer/guitarist) and finding a new bassist so we can make even cooler songs...We're not sure about this yet but it might be a good idea....Also before my holiday I redid my own homepage so check that out too you ppl. D0N3 4 N0W..Later y'all...




I knew this for a while already, but I kept forgetting to put it here...We are doing a gig on the 4th of December, on a festival near Zierikzee called Brogum. To all the Dutch ppl reading this;
COME SEE US LIVE! This is supposed to be a pretty big festival with lots of cool bands playing, so dont miss it!

I've just heard some words of another gig we might be doing; At " Het Goese Lyceum " in Goes.That would be like somewhere around May 19...


Well, I'm finally adding some new info on this page...We really f*cked up our gig at Brogum. Sorry for that guys! It was one of those days...Guido played a lot better than the other drummers around there (!), but me, A-J and Leo really were sloppy and lazy. That means no good tuning, no presentation, nothing really. And we got what we deserved; a lot of people hating us! Well, we sure made it up at a gig that I hadn't added here! 27th december, we played at a school in Zierikzee, and that gig has been recorded, so new sounds soon! We played about 50 mins before some headmaster or something told us it was enough. We're planning some gigs in Belgium btw. More news about that when it's done planning. There's a rumour a local cafe, La Strada, might want us for a gig too.

Other news; I've given my page, Guido's page, and the Niquarge-pages a little makeover. Check them all out!


I still haven't recieved anything on that new demo that was recorded. I just mailed AJ about it so... We finally have a place to rehearse properly! Thanks to Hugo, my bassteach. Yesterday I mailed some letters to clubs around here, so I hope we're gonna get some shit back. Gimme a gig man! This is the first time I persued the gigging crap. AJ does it often too.
Oh, I want to say something about the Buckle Trunk vs. Niquarge shit; CUT THE CRAP! I hate this fighting. You may not like us, and we don't like you, but we're both bands, and bands should support eachother. There's no use in fighting, because our bands are certainly not alike. We're no competition for you, and you guys are no competition for us. I apologise for the crappy things I've said, I suggest you do the same...
Next thing; I'm making a new Niquarge site! It'll probably look a lot like this one, but it's not finished anyway. I'll be putting it at; but you dont have to go there yet, coz there's nothing to see.
Until next time...


Ok, I want to clear up something; There's talk about me (Merijn) leaving Niquarge. Yes, I have thought about it if we don't get any better than this. I think we suck, 'cause I don't have any joy in playing Niquarge-crap these days. I never see AJ or Leo, but that could be because I'm just some anti-social arse. BUT! I won't give up without a fight. I want to make Niquarge a joy for everyone in the band, me, Leo, Guido and AJ. We have been asked to play on a festival in Ovezande, Klomppop. We'll be there! I'll add a news article about it when it's official. For now, we're busy with the mixing of the new demo, and I HOPE things'll get better....



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