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This is too any possible viewer I have, and is for good reason. This site may be violent in nature, but hey, this is a game we are playing here. This game just so happens to use guns that shoot out FOAM (harmless), and some things on it appear to be like i'm this kid that is going to shoot up his school or something. I am kidding in everyway possible about anything that may seem a little too violent. NEVER blame anything including shootings and death on anything but the parents or the person that did it. I am now attempting to cover myself as I go into the war of making entertainment and being informative at the same time, where if your entertainment looks the wrong way to people, you get in trouble. If you can't handle this, GO AWAY, I'm just a kid that likes to play with TOY guns that shoot out FOAM. I have never even touched a real gun in my life, and if you are inspired by my toy guns, then your a freak. Stop the blaming, and they will stop the killing.