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My Guns

Ranked 1-15

#1:Lock 'n Load
This is a worthless peice of crap...until a couple simple (no, seriously simple) midifications are performed. The range on this thing is unbeatable for a sidearm, plus it doesn't use those friggin' riprockets! It slides in a holster and out of a holster so easy it isn't funny! Jeez, before I knew the mod for this gun I hated it, now that I know it, I can't recomend it more! (I now have 2)

I honestly can't decide whether or not this surpasses lock 'n load, so i put them tied. This gun might would be the best gun on the market if: It used regular darts instead of these friggin' microdarts, it wasn't so expensive, and wasn't so easy to run out of ammo in like 4 seconds. However, 30 bucks is worth almost every penny. 25 would have been more reasonable, and i see no reason not to buy this gun.

#2:Big Bad Bow
I took mine apart and lost two springs (Don't ask me how). Although broken, I loved it while I had it, and it had awesome range. It will always have a small place in my heart, and I plan on finding a replacement for those springs, so I still consider it one of my guns. Update: I got two new springs, but now the stupid thing won't work! Need assistance! Update: I finally got another, and the range is like twice of before, and accuracy is paramount (hehehe). Buy this.

#3:Nerf SuperMaxx 1500
This gun is great. It has awesome range, decent rate of fire, and accuracy only matched my the NERF SuperMaxx 5000 (with arrows). This is the standard issue on our team, and everyone should have one. (I now have 2)

#5:Nerf SuperMaxx 5000
The Ultimate Sniper Rifle. When you first get this out of the box it is an extreme disapointment, but a few simple modifications, and you can feel this sucker ten feet away...WHEN THERE ISN'T ANY AMMO IN IT! Has a low rate of fire, and shoots incredibly high with larami's, but with arrows (The kind that come with Big Bad Bow) are more accurate that anything.

#4:Triple Strike
This actually works pretty good as a sniper rifle. The range is pretty good, and accuracy isn't the best but the three arrows create a good enough spread and cover enough distance to make it hard to dodge. The only problem is the 18-25 pumps to prep the gun, but just take out the best, drop the gun, and do some 1500 work with 'em and prepare to win a war. Good gun.

With a chain of 22 and a blistering fast rate of fire, she's my favorite piece of hardware. I don't own a chainblazer, but I've heard that they're a lot better (update: They are better, and this is no longer my favorie, but still a good gun). If that is true, then I have to get one. They aren't the most reliable in cold weather, and you should oil them regularly, but this is great.

#7:Vortex Tornado
I've bad mouthed them before, but now i've found a liking for them. Great distance is it's only fine point, but what it does, it does well.

#8:Nerf SuperMaxx 3000
The gun is basically a 1500, that has a higher ammo load, and is much less reliable. Mine is older, but everyone elses are like that too. Nerf has added a new trigger to the new versions, which sucks becuase they take three fingers to pull down. It is a good gun at first, but won't last as long as the 1500.

#9:Nerf SuperMaxx 750
The king of sidearms. Small, powerful, and accururate. Just don't let it fart and it remains pretty airtight. Single shot nature sucks, but for a sidearm...It rules.

#10:NERF 250
No, this isn't a supermaxx gun! Although it is packages and marketed with the supermaxx guns, it is nothing like them. It isn't pump, and it shoots riprockets. But it almost has as much range as the monoblast and is a heck of a lot faster and more compact. Good gun.

This is my trustee. While the range is only good if you have really good darts, it has taken me out of bad situation on more than 987 occasions. As much as I hate to say it, if it wasn't for this gun, I would be one of those hide-in-the-fort-wussies you here so much about. Unfortunatly, it doesn't last...the power will decrease pretty quickly. I think the spring is thinner, so it wears out faster.

#12:Bow 'n Arrow
My first, and still, I don't hate it. If you modify it a certain way it can shoot over 100 feet. But then it is really hard to use. It never breaks...I've thrown mine 30 feet in the air, and left it in the bush for months, and it still works the same (Better because of modification) as when I pulled it out of the box for the first time. (I still say even if you can find one, don't buy it, because there are many better guns on the market today)

#13:Razor Fin
I have seriously modified this gun. It works nicely, and the double shot nature has always worked well in my wars. But don't actually plan on buy it unless you want to frustrate yourself for hours (and go through a lot of pens...hehehe) modifying it. Even then, it isn't really powerful (decent but not great). Two quick shot are actually really effective though. I definitly say this was a bad purchase.

My second Nerf gun ever. I don't really like it (mostly because it sucks majorly). It is weak, and only has one shot. It is very durable and fun to play with. It was good for it's time, but it's time wasn't that good.

#15:Iron Raptor
This gun is bad. It is really small and compact, and it was only 4 bucks. I use it as a holdout, but even still, this is bad. I cannot believe i wasted 4 bucks on worthless crap.