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The Dream

Our Bus

and a poem


I once was a Transit,
all shiny and new
Hauling people from Broadway
to Vine Avenue.
People all going, from this place
to that,
Never thinking of me, nor
a pat on the back.
My life has been long,
total TWO overhauls.
Give me another and I'll be
ready for the call.
A new tire or two could
help just the same.
A new rear end
and I'll be right back in the game.
All I need is a little TLC,
or a BusNut to turn me
to his family R.V.
Hey! There's an idea
hits me just right.
Parking under the stars while
your family sleeps tight.
Please pull out my seats,
and clean me up good.
Make me your own and I'll
promise to be good.
No break-downs, no flats
or an electrical short
if you love me and build me
to your mobile travel port.
A few appliances and beds are
all that I need
To become something special
the result of your deed.
To build me and love me,
will be time well spent
I will give you a life
of camping...
not in a tent!!
All the comforts of home,
while away on the road
I'll never scream get out
or pay what is owed.
All I need is a BusNut like you,
And I can leave this old
Bus yard to a life that
is Brand New!!!

1966 GM 5303 Omni Transit Bought in Feb. 1996 from Good Life Coaches Inc In Lincoln Nebraska.

We are Mark and Dawn Mandery, possibly the only BusNuts in both of our families. Although our families do think we are NUTS!
We live in Tecumseh, Nebraska.

When we bought the Dreamcatcher, it was still a full transit, seats and all. The first step was to remove all the seats. Boy did we have a lot of offers from neighbors to help remove seats. It seems the "destruction of the interior was quite intriguing to our neighbors. We put the seats out on the curb as we pulled them out, and it seemed they disappeared as fast as we could haul them out there. People all ages and sizes were hauling them away! For months almost every pickup that went by had one of our blue seats in the bed.

The Dreamcatcher is powered by a 6V 71 Detroit diesel engine. With an automatic 2 speed transmission.(we go slow, but we go in style!!!) In our favorite campgrounds we are known as the "bus people" and never seem to spend a weekend without giving a tour or two. Each tour, of course, is always proceeded with "please forgive the mess, we are a work in progress". I don't know that we'll ever be able to stop saying THAT!

We have built a bedroom across the back, with a full sized bed, a bathroom, in front of that. Using the center door as our entrance, those two rooms are at the back of the coach. From the doorway forward is our kitchen and living room area. We are working on a plan that incorporates the cab area as part of the living room. Above the cab we built a bunk bed, that will accommodate two smaller children. The old roller sign has been removed, but the plexiglass was left for a window.
The kids love to ride up there and watch out over the road above Daddy's head.

Notice we say Daddy's head, Mommy has driven it exactly ONCE! For Mom, it was like climbing a mountain, If I didn't look back(down) I was okay. However, as in all driving, one must look back occasionally. Daddy says, like Sandra Bullock in Speed, "oh honey, it's just like driving a REALLY big Pinto" NOT!!! Mom is content to follow behind in the truck pulling the boat, at least that gives in the middle! We hope someday to be finished with this Dream of ours and take off and roam the U.S. and Canada at our stylish, if slow, speed, forever in search of other BusNuts like ourselves.

You can usually find us in the evenings in skoolie Chat under the handle BRats. Sometimes M-Rat or D-Rat, depending on the mood. If you would like to contact us our e-mail address is;

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Until then, keep on Bussin'!