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Updated 25 DEC, 1998

Welcome to my life! For those of you who have been here before (I know, I know, not that many people are really interested in my life...) you might notice that I have changed things around a bit. This should be much simpler to surf. Just click on the button next to the topic you would like to see. For all of you Chris Ledoux fans....I put his pics and bio up top....

Hope you have fun.....

CHRIS LEDOUX..................................................................

CHRIS LEDOUX PICTURES...............................................

MY LIFE AND THOUGHTS ON.......................................

MY PICTURE ALBUM.........................................................

CHRIS LEDOUX TOUR INFO.............................................

MESS'S COUNTRY ARTIST PIC PAGE..............................

CHRIS LEDOUX & RODEO LINKS..................................

US ARMY PARATROOPERS...............................................

This damn counter doesn't work....I'm not that popular!
people have been blessed by my homepage!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
Go ahead and boost my ego. Sign my Dream Book. I said sign it damn you!!!

Please e-mail me with your comments on my page.