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Here it is, the almighty links page. If there is a link you'd like to add, just Email me.


Angelfire Easiest free home pages on the world wide web. Get free Email here. A great service.
BJ Zanzibar's World of Darkness. If you play anything by White Wolf Games, go here. This is the best page for World of Darkness resources on the internet.
White Wolf Online White Wolf's online resource. Includes release dates and product lists, as well as goodies such as a chat room.
Final Fantasy VIIlinks on Yahoo! For all you FFVII fans out there, here is a direct link to Yahoo's extensive link collection on FFVII. Enjoy!
Erik's FFVII page One of the many excellent Final Fantasy pages out there. Some great stuff on chocobo ranching.
Final Fantsy VII Another FFVII page.

Sqaush Space My friend Sailor Sqausher's homepage. Lot's of great RPG stuff, as well as Quake.
