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New Family & Friends Pictures!

Eric and Angel take a break from drinking beer (gasp!) at Oktoberfest

Eric and Angel outside Brit's Pub Shoppe

Ami and Matt Partusch on their wedding day

Mike, Matt, and me before Matt and Ami's wedding

Megan Demuth - what a cutie!

Ryan, Livy, and Bailey Gottsch

Whitney Scherer celebrates Christmas!

Walt Disney World Vacation!

Here are some photos taken while my family vacationed in Disney World over Thanksgiving, 2002:

Mom and Angel make their way to Cinderella's Castle

Cinderella's Castle

Me and a big Christmas tree!

Me and Angel take a break in a park filled with pointsettia trees

Angel accosting Launchpad McQuack and Mom at the park entrance

Angel Dad, and a Nutcracker in Germany

Angel and a finely-sculpted Panda bear

Angel, Mom, and a giant Christmas tree

Mom, Angel, and Dad

Me, mom, and another Nutcracker in Germany

Angel and Mom braved Splash Mountain (back row)!

Micky and Minnie conducting the tree-lighting ceremony!

Dad, Mom, and a giant pointsettia Christmas tree

Dad and me stand outside the House of Blues - right before my blistering blues performance!

2002 Henning Family Christmas!

Ahh, the 2002 Henning Family Christmas! This year, it was held in a hall at Tuxedo Park.

Back row: Jeremy, Deb, twins Colin and Joshua, Kerri holding Tyler, and James; Front row: Nikki holding Connor and Emalee

Diane eating (Year 2!), Gary, and Rodney

Clockwise around the table from the left: Fred, Cory, Lori, Robin, and Kristi

Apple looking happy!

Friends Pictures

Here are some recent (and not so recent) pictures of some of my friends:

Mike, Jon, Darrin, and Erica looking good at Mike and Jon's "Power Rangers" party.

Han Solo (Pete), Princess Leia (Jennifer), and Luke Skywalker (Pat) host a room at one of Triangle's Around the World parties.

From left to right are: Matt, Joe (Me), Ben, Dan, Mike, Balash (looking stupid in the back row), Chris, Joel, and Jimi. Everyone came to our parties!

Ben, Rick, Greg, and Mike chill out with the Bud Man in Chicago.

Ryan, Matt, and Dan at one of Triangle's Beach Parties.

Brian (Stander) and Brian (Ellefson) looking as dapper as always.

Dan pitches the ball at a Nebraska Baseball Club scrimmage.

Dan and Jon looking happy in Padre.

Dan, Ryan, Mike, and Mike's girlfriend chill out on the beach in Padre. Look at Jon sitting dejectedly in the back!

Joe, Dan, and the beer bong girls.

Dan, Joe, and some Nebraska girls that we met at the beach.

Matt and one of his trademark lines.

Ryan and Livy Gottsch, with Bailey, in 2001. I can't believe that Ryan is now a productive upstanding member of society! Just kidding!

2001 Henning Family Christmas

The 2001 Henning Family Christmas (Lois and Harold's family) was held on December 22 at a hall in Wilber, Nebraska. Since I had a good time, I thought that I would share some of my pictures of that event with you. Enjoy!

Fred, Brian, Randy, and Rodney sit at the far table; Bob (Dad) and Diane sit at the near table; and Jessie is standing.

Lori, holding Mason, and Rodney sit at the left table; and Bob, Diane, and Joe (me) sit at the right table. Note the abundance of beer at the Henning Family Christmas!

From left to right are: Gary, Lois (Grandma), Lori holding Mason, Jason, Nikki holding Connor, and Robin (seated).

Diane and Jessie must have just heard something shocking! Take that Jessie - this will teach you to not give me my Christmas present!

Seated around the near table are: Amy, Mike holding Mason, and Kristi.

Angel and Barb (Mom).

Standing behind the counter are: Brett Favre (Jason), Gary, and Rodney; Seated around the table clockwise from the middle are: Deb, James, Jeremy, Connor, Nikki, and Kerri. I love taking pictures of people eating - but you should have seen the look that my Aunt Deb gave me after taking this one!

From left to right are: James, Diane, Fred, Brian, Lois opening her gift, Amy, Robin, and Duane.

From left to right are: Joe, Jessie, Don, Gary, Connor, and Kerri.

Minnesota Vacation

Here are some pictures from my 2002 mid-April Minnesota vacaction.

As you know, I own several breweries in Minneapolis / St. Paul. Here, I'm inspecting brewery #1.

Eric and Angel pose for a picture at Great Waters.

Taking a break from hardcore beer drinking (two-fisting)!

Enjoying a glass of beer with the revelers at Town Hall.

Hangin' out with the Minneapolis Jaycees!

Inspecting brewery #2.

Inspecting brewery #3.

Las Vegas Vacation

Here are some pictures from my 2002 Memorial Day Las Vegas vacaction.

We stayed right across the street from Caesar's Palace.

Me and fountain #1

Mom and Dad beside fountain #2

Me and Angel beside fountain #2

Mom and Dad take a break from gambling with some pink flamingos.


The Bellagio. I had planned an elaborate plan to break into the Bellagio and steal all of its money. Then Ocean's Eleven stole my idea. Back to the drawing board!

MGM Grand