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Keichan's Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Ring

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<*p><*center> <*table border=10><*tr><*td bgcolor="#00bfff"> <*center>
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<*img src="" border=0> <*/td> <*td bgcolor="#00bff"> <*center><*FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS"> <*font size=4><*a href="">Let's Join!<*/a><*br><*/font><*p> <*/p><*font size=3> This <*a href="">Keichan's Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Ring<*/a>site is owned by <*a href="">YOUR NAME<*/a>. <*p> [ <*a href=";id=YOUR ID;prev">Previous<*/a> | <*a href=";id=YOUR ID;next">Next<*/a> | <*a href=";random">Random Site<*/a> | <*a href=";list">List Sites<*/a> ]<*p> This <*a href="">Keichan's Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Ring<*/a> is owned by <*a href="">Keichan<*/a>. <*/font><*/td><*/tr><*/table><*p>

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This Keichan's Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Ring site is owned by Keichan.

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This Keichan's Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Ring is owned by Keichan.


<*font face="Comic Sans MS"><*alink=pink link=D2A6E8 vlink=D2A6E8><*center> <*table border=0 bgcolor=pink cellpadding=3><*tr><*td> <*table border=0><*tr><*td bgcolor="pink" rowspan=2> <*center><*a href=""><*img src="" border=0> <*/td> <*td bgcolor="#FFF9FC" height=50%> <*center><*font size=3> This <*a href="">Keichan's<*br> Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Ring<*/a><*br> site is owned by <*a href="mailto:YOUR MAIL">YOUR NAME<*/a>.<*br><*br><*/td><*tr> <*td bgcolor="white"> <*li> <*a href=";id=YOUR ID;prev">Previous<*/a> <*li> <*a href=";id=YOUR ID;next">Next<*/a> <*li> <*a href=";random">Random Site<*/a> <*li> <*a href=";list">List Sites<*/a> <*br><*font size=1 face="verdana">( this ring owned by <*a href=""><*b>Keichan<*/b><*/a> ^^ )<*/table>

Which looks like this. (This ring logo by kimmlez.)

This Keichan's
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Ring

site is owned by YOUR NAME.

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    ( this ring owned by Keichan. ^^ )