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Longmeadow High Class of 1979 20th Reunion

Thanks to the Reunion organizers. Kitty Stelzer, {above}, Kathleen Daly Leo,
Diane Romell Millas, and Carroll O'Connor!
These images were taken Friday November 26th at Bay Path College.

We partied like it was 1999!

Sue Wilochka Krasner and Pam Rubin MacPhaul.

Look at how fine these Brookwood girls turned out! They were cute at Wolf Swamp Road School too! Pam's Mom made me deliver the Reminder during the blizzard of '78. Here's another little known fact about cat "Manly Marvin" knocked-up her cat! We settled out of court.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wojick.

It was great telling your wife the broken collarbone story. Who could resist talking about
Miss Hayden our 5th grade teacher?

That white haired guy is Big Don Bridge. He's with Mr and Mrs. Scott Anderson.

Paul Bearce provides the horns! Who's the girl with the tongue? Does anyone know if she's single? Who could forget all the fun we had skating in Donny's backyard? The trampoline?

Well, the mystery is over already. "The Tongue" turns out to be Sue Bearce. Paul's wife. Her cover was blown at Pearl Street Nightclub recently.

There's Paul Fimognari, Jack Dineen, and Tony Roma.
It's odd not seeing some sort of stick in Jack's hands!

Scott and Holly Andrews Burpee. Holly drove the famous little red VW bug!
We beat the crap out of that car and it wouldn't die. Great times!
They live in Eagle River Alaska with two teenagers.

Peter and Beth McCullough Kerner.

Beth is a freelance Art Director and Graphic Designer. She has two daughters. Did you know that Beth and I were "Lost at Sea" together in high school? We were rescued by the Coast Guard in the Cape Cod Bay during the summer of 1978. Do you know what the Target Ship is?

Prize money is currently being raised for anyone who can name the three Sweitzers!
The gotee helps, a little?

Update 2002: That's Tom, his wife Sharon, and Mike. Tom and Sharon are living in the Philly suburbs (Havertown) and both working as biochemists at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals. Mike is in marketing for Varian Corp. in Palo Alto, CA and living in San Fran.

Hey, That's "Birdy" {Roberta} Simon from Meadowlark Drive.
That's her sister, Adam Peck and Mark Wojick.

John McCann, Deane Yesu, and Brad Nichols.

That's Paul Bearce, Jay Holsing, and Scott Anderson.
Don't let these three near the buffet! Paul Bearce and I used to play hockey together.
I think Paul forgot to take off his helmet!

Dan Plotkin and David Abdow.

Nancy Riker MacDonald and Nancy Hesen Trzcinski.
They both have two children. Nancy's mom was a substitue teacher in Longmeadow
for her whole teaching career!

Glenn Goodman and Maureen Dowd twisting the night away!
Maureen lives in Los Angeles. She is in Educational Publishing. Glenn is a lawyer in Springfield.

Liz Sattler and her husband Rich Herrera.
Liz is the Revenue Manager at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco.
I used to play with her barbies waiting for the bus to kindergarten at Center Street School!
I think I still have one.

That's Judy Howland and her husband Christopher Duncan. Nice smile Judy!
She's a Director of Operations at Mass Mutual and has a new daughter.

Lisa Gironda Lucier and her husband Jeff. They live on Martha's Vineyard
with two children. Those kids must be wearing Dad out!

Larry Guild lives in Amherst with his wife Susan and two kids. He's a happy family man!

Hey, did anyone get a chance to talk to Peter Kumeiga and find out what's up?
He was dancing all night! He looks a little more grizzly than before.


That's Maurice Foley trying to recall the whereabouts of Mario Fricchione.
He said something about witness protection with David DelVecchio?

Mr and Mrs Nancy Riker!?!?
No Diane, I'm not Nancy's husband!
Nancy is the Marketing Director at Tuxedo Junction Inc.

Jay Josephson and Peter Shrair.
These guys look GREAT! Peter is a local Attorney. Jay lives in South Florida.

Jim McMahon and his wife Stacy Ebeling McMahon
Jim and Stacy just moved back to Longmeadow on Laurel Street.

That's Lily Chilson molesting Pete Kerner. Pete's wife Beth McCullough keeps an eye on her.
I thought Lily was class of '80? Where's Drew?

Diane Romell Millas "shoots" Kitty Stelzer and Larry Egan. Kitty announced her retirement as a reunion organizer. Thanks for everything Kitty.

Kitty is the mother of one son who is a Sophomore Longmeadow Lancer. She has been happily involved (for the last 9 years) with Andrew Scibelli, President of Springfield Technical Community College. She is a self-employed artist.

Larry lives in Longmeadow with his wife and FOUR kids. He is the Vice President of his family's electrical contracting business; Collins Electric.

Diane is happily married to Steve Millas and has TWIN BOYS!

Who is this inidentified dancer? I'm drawing a blank? Is that "The Tongue"?

Hey, that's Donny Bridge again. Who is that with him? That's why I saved these photos
until the end. I can't remember who's in them?
Her identity has been revealed... Bonnie Kumiega.

Hey Mrs. Wojick. I'm sorry I forgot your name. You and Mark were so funny! {and tall}

Who's that with Susie Herman and Anne Henshaw.
They're part of the Glenbrook Faction!

Wow! Diane Cowles Casey is aging like a fine Bordeux.
She has four children and lives in Milford Mass.

If you have any other photos you would like to see on this site please send them to the email below. They can be current or from our LHS days! Use your scanners and send some files. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Comments are encouraged.

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This site created November 29, 1999

All Digital Images and Text by Jay Holsing '79.


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